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The employees were literally terrified to about their wierd and so called moody boss as they indulged themselves into piles and piles of work as if it was going to be their last day. Well, you can't blame them, who wants to get fired from such a well payed job?

All the girls who had been gossiping since they've arrived went away to their seats in order to avoid getting thrown out, since, it was this job that was paying them for their acrylics though. Moreover who doesn't wanna work in one of the top most company of the world ?

Fab 5 and Mr.Kashyap came out of the conference room where on one hand Fab 5 was confused as to why such a vibrant floor became quiet all of a sudden while on the other hand Mr. Kashyap knew what was coming for them.

Suddenly the pin drop silence was ruined by sounds of some music and the others breathed a sign of relief before they stood up from their desk area. Okay some of you might be  thinking why right? It was because they knew that today was not a "YOU ARE FIRED DAY". Lucky day for them and well not so lucky day for the music group that had graced their office today.
The music was loud enough not to disturb the important work but chirpy enough to make the dullness go away. The guards came in first and so did HER but all FAB 5 could see was the heads of hundreds of people present on that particular floor since the group had been standing at the far end of the corner.

The girl entered singing a melodious song making Fab 5 mesmerised with her voice while Manik felt like he had heard it before.

A//N This one's really close to my heart.

The song was one of the classics called, 'Burn So Bright'  by Bella Thorne.

Cabir tried getting up on the table to get a clear view of the women but unfortunately Manik pulled him down.
" What mahn? " asked a very annoyed Cabir who had been trying to get a glimpse.
" She'll eventually come to us." reasoned Manik making the poor fellow drop his shoulders as he gave up.

The girl turned around as the workers went behind her singing the song with her, getting FAB 5 in a zone of well confusion, surprise and mostly shock as her face came into the perfect view. Only one word came out from their mouth, "NANDINI". Manik felt as if he was standing on a cliff, ready to be thrown down when Cabir spoke all of a sudden.
"Guys are you watching the same thing as me or is it just me and if it's true then are you guys thinking what i am. RIGHT ?" he asked not even blinking for once.
" CABIR." everyone except Manik shushed him up with a 'we'll kill you if you make a joke' expression. Speaking of Manik, well he wasn't even paying attention to anyone around him as his sole focus was the girl dancing and singing right infront of him. The women looked like a clone of the one he had known 2 years back but with a different personality. She sat on a chair as some guys dragged it till the other group where she stood up, before she started dancing with her own steps. Loving the feeling of life.

She went to some girls who stood at a corner jealous of their boss being so popular among all the boys as she showed them her fan following. Popular and a Bitch.

This time she stood up on the table as she sang the final verse of the song with her amazing voice unknown to the fact that some of the eyes present their had been watching her with happiness with a hint of surprise in them.

She jumped down when her foot slipped because of the high heels and she was down to facing the ground but she never touched the hard cold floor as Manik held her firmly by her waist, refusing to let go off her as his eyes gazed her with utmost love, care and foremost , longing.

As the tables had turned, it was time for Nandini to get surprised or rather shocked as the bubble she had been living in, ended up bursting by the arrival of someone from the past. There were a lot of questions from his side and alot of masking from hers until Mr. Kashyap spoke in between.
" good morning Ma'am." he greeted the women, making Nandini to be the first of the duo to break the eyelock as she stood up wishing everyone a very good morning.
"That was one hell of a motivational song. So now people back to work. Chop- chop." she said addressing the crowd formed behind her as everyone rushed back to their respective desks and cabins.
"So Fab 5, i would like to introduce you to our boss MISS. NANDINI SINGHANIA. And ma'am they are-" before Mr Kashyap could complete their introduction, Nandini formed the sentence on his behalf.
" Fab 5. Everyone knows them. And moreover who might know them better than me even though they know me as Nandini Murthy too." she said with straight face and no emotions.
" Nandini" cabir was the first to initiate a conversatin between them unknown that this wasn't the old friend he had once known.
" MISS. MURTHY for you Mr. Cabir. We are not friends so i guess you should be somewhat formal. So welcome to my office." she replied back in an authotitative tone before making her way inside the cabin only to be stopped by Alya.
" Nandini. Sorry miss. Murthy i guess we already know each other since we're from the same place." she said with some sarcasm in her voice.
"Miss. Saxena. That's my past and i live in present and work for future so it doesn' t matter to me. And i don't like discussing my personal life at work." Nandini had been well worked out for such conversation as she gave back in a formal tone.
" so we'll be having our contract signed without any further discussions then." came out Mukti in support of her friends.
" anytime you want" Nandini replied back with a smile.
" it was nice meeting you though. The new you." said Dhruv forwarding hi hand for her to take.
"same here." replied Nandini taking it out of courtesy.

Everyone talked to Nandini instead of one person who had just been watching or rather finding love in her eyes that wasn't there anymore. All he could see in those orbs was pure hatred and disappointment. All for him. 
"Mr. Manik so when do you want to sign the contract?" asked Mr Kashyap as they all got inside the conference hall but before Manik could say anything there was a noise at the door and the next second thing he found was Nandini in someone's arms.

" Hey bitch. I am soo happy today and you have o idea why?" he said in an excited voice.
" I would definitely love to know Aryaman but you need to relax and get a hold of yourself first since we are in our office. So please put me down." Nandini replied giggling at this huge baby that had engulfed her.
" as if i care." he replied before letting go as he fixed her hair before adding, " listen to me . You know what? I got that deal. Finally. Months of preperations but we're on." 
"Congratulations my boy. I am soo happy for you. I know it was tough and i love you for being so strong and hardworking. But we can celebrate later since everyone is watching us." Nandini replied in a low voice as she eyed the entire office giggling at them through the glass walls.
"so what they are probably used to it now. " Aryaman patted her cheeks before she stood aside making her best friend come in face to face with the matters of their past as she saw his eyes go from happy golden to angry red before he shouted, " What the freakin hell!"

LOST LOVE ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ