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After the call Nandini focused back on Aryaman who had a perplexed expression on his face. And she knew she needed to come out clean in this moment, she can't keep her best friend under the rock for this long now, he's already done so much for her.

" In my defense, it's our favourite cousins wedding, so how can we even think of missing it. " she tried to get through with it by a simple reasoning but looked like Aryaman had some other plans as he fixed her with a hard gaze and a pointed look.
"Nandini speak up, i know somewhere that it's not just a 'favorite person wedding' reason. There's more to the story and i think i should know about it. " He has said as they made their way towards the living room.

"Fine. I accept it, i want to go back, it's not that i don't like it here but it's just that i miss Amms and i miss my home." Her voice was low and upsetting. She genuinely missed her home, the family that she had left behind.
" And? " came another question from him as she finally looked up with a slightly teary gaze.

" Somewhere Manik as well. Aryaman it's been three days sunce he last contacted me. We had promised each other that we'll start afresh and now he's just gone. All of a sudden there's no text or calls from his side. He ignores mine as well. And all this makes me feel so confused." She had accepted these long poning feelings inside of her as Aryaman laid a hand over her shoulder and she snuggled in.
" And how do you think you're going to tackle that. This confusion. " His fingers made small circles on her arm in support as she answered with a sigh, "I don't know. Maybe i am waiting to go back home and it might just come to me. "

" I don't think there's anything difficult in this, all we have to do is pack up our bags and ofcourse the gifts for everyone." He looked at her with an excited glint in his eyes that now mirrored hers.

"Seriously! Of course all of that is important and we will surely have that done but are you sure? Are you okay with these sudden changes that I've been making in our lives? " Nandini wanted to have his approval. She's once asked him to turn around his life for her and she can't do that to him again.

" Of course i am. Only if you want it and only if you're happy about it. Nandini if i have a family in my life, it's because of you. It's connected with you. Either we do it together or we don't step into that direction at all. " And there he was, the always considerate best friend.

" Glad to know you're on my side. " She replied hugging him with gratitude.

" I am always on your side. Now let's go and begin with the preparations. We have a lot to go with. "

" Give me a few minutes and I'll meet you at the door. Okay? " She asked.



It had been a while that they both had been stalling inside the mall. Choosing gifts over gifts for every single person in the family or friends that they were finally going to be meeting after a span of two years.
Nandini chose to bring a beautiful indian saree along with a warm shawl for her.
For the groom they chose an expensive watch as a part of his wedding gift while Aryaman decided to go with a pair of diamond studded cufflinks for his best friend.
Nandini wasn't sure who the girl was so she chose to buy a simple yet elegant necklace for her soon to be sister-in-law hoping it would be something new at the wedding if they plan on having one at the church as well.
After a few tiring hours of walking around and making choices, they both decided to grab a cup of coffee before finally leaving the place for good.
" Looks like we've covered everyone. " Said Aryaman as be brought in their drinks at the table.
" I hope so. Also I've made the appointment with our designer and she does have some outfits that might work for the wedding. We just gotta pick and try once. " replied Nandini as she munched on her warm cookie delight.
" But Amms said she might have already gotten those stitched for us. "
" There's nothing wrong with a backup plan. She doesn't even have our sizes anymore. And i so don't want this to be a burden on her amidst all the preparations. " Nandini said as she wiped her face with a tissue and grabbed her coffee.

" Then let's get going home. We can have these coffee's to go because the packings ganna take a hell from us. " Aryaman chuckled as they both got up from their seats. They were about to walk out when Nandini slapped herself on her forehead out of annoyance.
" What's wrong? " as her best friend.
" I guess i forgot a shopping bag at Andy's i can't find it anywhere. You go get the car and I'll meet you at the parking lot. " She said before taking a turn in the opposite direction and sprinting for that bag leaving Aryaman with bags worth of an entire year.
" Seriously! You're gonna leave me like that. I really do hate you now. " He screamed at her back right before she turned left towards the store. " Gosh. I seriously need to stop being so helpful. " cursed the poor guy before making his way to the door with slow steps.

Nandini entered the desired shop as she made her way to a particular rack. She'd seen it during her previous visit and had planned to buy it once Aryaman was out of sight. It was special.
The rack held a beautiful metal ball with shining stars engraved all around the ball, on openning it strucked out a light showing the shadows of the star all around the shop. The one person who came in her mind as soon as she had seen this was MANIK. She knew she shouldn't be giving him this much importance after the way he's been treating her recently. Was he even thinking about her?
But somewhere that didn't matter as he hands clasped the circular object and in a matter of seconds she found herself paying for it as one of the workers gift wrapped it. Do hell with what he thought for her? She wouldn't go empty handed and act rude like he's doing.

Walking back to the parking lot she located Aryaman typing furiously on his cell phone with a worried expression on his face.
" Aryaman is everything alright? You look frustrated." she asked.
" oh you are back. It's nothing just the media and those clients getting on my last nerve. " He said before slipping the bag from her hand to the lugage area of the car.
" relax ok we'll handle each and everything. Nothing we haven't gone through before." She assured him with a smile as they got inside the care.
" I hope so. Wanna grab an unhealthy lunch from a drive through? " He asked with a wide enough smile now and how could have Nandini said a no to that. Unhealthy food and her were best of friends, maybe more than Aryaman but he wasn't supposed to know that.



It had been a week since they last had time for themselves. Aryaman wanted to make sure that they were able to enjoy their vacation with any workload hence he pulled it all over this week. Barking orders and rules over what was supp to be done in those 7 days they were to survive without their bosses.
Nandini felt like putting his head under ice cold water for being so hardworking maybe. They were at the airport, minutes before boarding their flight and he was still on that bloody phone working over checklists and files. Like seriously? Wasn't this supposed to be a vacation.

" Aryaman where's my passport? " She asked trying to get his attention. Of course it was in her bag.

" How am i supposed to know that. It's supposed to be with you. " He said putting a hand over the speaker to answer her.

" Of course it is. When's the flight? " She asked again.

" It's in 5 minutes probably. They'll make an announcement-" And they did that left a grin on Nandini's face cause it meant Aryaman had to turn off his cell phone.

" And that's our call. Also one last time, i am going back as Nandini and not the Nanz that was born here two years back. We do what Amms says. Am i clear? " She asked in a serious tone.
" Yes. Nobody will know. "

And that's how it began. Their journey back home. A long flight. Some instructions exchanged. A giddy feeling of excitement mixed with worry. Aryaman kept himself busy with music and laying out some more paperwork to complete while Nandini sat at the window seat, looking down as she left one part of her life behind moving to a past she never thought she would be able to give another chance but here she was going back home. Her home.

Maybe some people might think it was the feeling in your stomach when you land but Nandini was well aware what it was as soon as the wheels hit the ground. She was scared to face everyone. She had been so sure that she was ready but at the back of her mind there was always that fear. Fear of what if it gets worse. But then again she wouldn't know it if she won't get through it and this time she wanted to. Give it a chance. She wins or looses would only be decided if she tried and she will.

LOST LOVE ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora