Chapter 2

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“I completely forgot to ask and I feel like such a bad friend,” I spoke with sympathy on the phone. “I can’t believe I forgot that Darren told me you were in critical condition. I guess I got distracted when he told me my mom was dead.”

“No biggie. I’m fine. Just a few scratches and bruises here and there,” Jarred said. “When I was on the phone with you, I was much better. My wolf is such a bad ass that it’s helping me heal a lot faster. Where are you at now?”

I grinned and felt the nervousness bubble in my stomach as I passed the old worn out sign that read “Welcome to Huntstown! Home of the mythical forests!” in faded yellow lettering. The wood was damp, green algae covering the legs.

“I just crossed the border,” I said happily.

“Just hurry up and get your fine butt over here,” Jarred whined. I heard a loud thump and Jarred’s grunt. I laughed, assuming it was Jade. “Okay, okay, babe, stop it. You know you’re my one and only.”

“Oh, Jarred, still the same as ever,” I said through the phone. “I’ll see you in twenty minutes. Bye.”

I finally made it back home and all the emotions were bubbling to the surface. Beau laughed as he rolled down the windows, letting the cool air blow through our hair. I sniffed the familiar green leaves and the scent of both the Crescent and Stone pack mingled in the air.

“I love the wind blowing through my hair!” Beau screamed, catching the attention of a few people as we drove by local restaurants and small stores.

“You’re a true dog,” I joked. “Maybe that’s why Cheryl dumped you for the human.”

“And you’re a true bitch,” Beau grinned. “Plus, that was her mate. Get over that.”

“You cried like a baby,” I laughed. “I remember how badly hurt your ego was that you went through the whole popular phase. That was funny. Remember how you went up to that one girl and she called you cute for sharing that one pick up line?”

“No,” Beau snapped, turning red. He took off his sunglasses, seeing as how it wasn’t really sunny this time of year. I could see the memory bouncing in his hazel eyes.

“Is your dad a baker? Because you’re a cutie pie,” I snorted after I recited the words.

“Oh, shut up,” He laughed, ruffling my hair.

“Please slow down with my car, Beau. You know how much I love my Land Rover,” I scolded as he turned sharply. I gripped onto the black leather clad seats as he sharply turned another turn.

“Land Rovers aren’t all that!” Beau shrugged.

“Just slow down, okay? We don’t have to rush to get there. I don’t want us to get into an accident,” I lied.

Don’t get me wrong, I was overly excited to see my friends and family. I wanted to squeeze the living daylights out of them. I also wanted to hug my mom – to feel the comfort of her slender fingers playing with my long brown hair. I wanted to see for myself that my mother and my best friend were all right.

Then there was the other thing that made me want to stall this trip back home. Weston Marshall. How would he react with my return? Did he even know I was coming back? What if he didn’t love me anymore or he wholly dismisses the fact that we’re even mates? What if he married somebody else and had his babies with her?

The thought clenched my heart. “No,” my wolf said. “Don’t think that way. He’d never go that far.”

Beau sensed the worry in my voice and he looked at me. I’m pretty sure that he could see the conflict swimming in my green eyes. He sighed, slowing down until we were just cruising.

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