Chapter 6

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Beau and I decided to do some investigation on our own after the reminder last night that the hunters and the rogues were still after us. After all, we were Wrodes and Wrodes do not like to just stand around and wait for something to happen. Beau and I were taking actions into our own hands.

“That asshole was lucky that there were no hunters or rogues in the woods last night,” Beau said, sitting comfortably in the passenger seat.

“Tell me about it,” I muttered, clutching the steering wheel. “I don’t know what I would’ve done if he died.”

Beau simply sighed, staying quiet. This whole morning, he’s been overprotective of me, casting deadly glares at Weston. He complained more than I did about this whole situation. Everyone complained more than I did. Obviously, they weren’t too happy with him at the moment.

When I found out he made it home safe, I cried tears of relief. I was worried sick and if he died, I would’ve hated myself for the rest of my life.

I pulled into the small parking lot of “The Big Shot”. It one of the three stores that sold guns in Huntstown. We investigated one of the other two gun stores prior to approaching this place. However, it was shot down the minute we saw how rusty their guns were and how bad business was running in the place.  

I looked at the small, rectangular shop with fear. Leave it to me to think of the worst-case scenarios every single time. I was scared that somehow these humans would find out what we were. It was risky walking into a place with guns. We could be dead any minute if they found out.

When Beau and I entered the shop, the small bell on the door rang signaling our arrival. My stomach clenched when my eyes saw the various guns sitting on the shelves and hanging on the walls. Beau – who always stayed calm – snorted at a picture of a man next to the bear he shot, smiling proudly. My eyes widened when it rested on spears identical to the ones I saw the night of the warehouse incident.

“Beau,” I whispered, gripping his forearm. “Those are the ones the hunters used when my dad planned the attack on us.”

His eyes widened slightly before he smirked. “Then I think we found the right place.”

“How could you be so ca –“

“Hello,” a raspy voice greeted. We turned around to face a skinny man dressed in faded jeans and a flannel shirt. His dark, curly hair was pushed under a blue, faded cap.  He smiled, showing a set of yellowing teeth. According to his worn out tag, his name is Ron. “Do you need any assistance?”

“Yes,” Beau said looking around the place with confusion. “I don’t know much about guns, but we just moved in with our family. We’re trying to get rid of dogs that we’ve sighted in our back yard. We have a little sister and we’re concerned about her safety. What are your suggestions?”

I tried to hide the smile on my face. Beau was good at acting. I wouldn’t be surprised if he made it into Hollywood with his charming good looks and his acting skills.

“Ah,” Ron muttered, smiling wider like he knew something we didn’t. “Dogs. That is a big problem here at Huntstown. Follow me.”

We followed him towards a set of rifles hanging behind the register. He went behind the counter, taking a gun off the rack and handing it to Beau. Beau took it cautiously, examining the gun.

‘Does this look familiar?’ Beau asked through the mind linked, fingering the black metal.

‘No. You would smell the wolfsbane. This is not what we’re looking for. It’s just a regular rifle.’

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