Chapter 14

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Everyone started yelling. They started shuffling around, grabbing blankets, water, and other necessities. Everything was a big mess, but it was drowned out by the favor that Jarred had asked me.

“Please help her, Danny,” Jarred sounded broken, looking at me with bloodshot eyes. “Please heal her.”

“Danny, please,” Eli pleaded. My chest tightened from how broken he sounded. “Please, I’m begging you.”

I hated seeing Abigail like this. She was one of my best friends and I couldn’t stand seeing her in so much pain or stand the thought of her dying. I closed my eyes when she coughed, blood spluttering out.

The commotion was much louder now. Everyone was helping as much as they could.

“I’ll link Beau,” I announced, frightened. “He’ll be here quick, trust me.”

“We don’t have time,” Jarred said frustrated, pacing around the living room and getting angrier by the minute. “You have to do it, Danny. She’s dying! My sister is dying!”

If I were even a tiny bit good at healing, I would have gave it a shot without thought. The only problem was the fact that I sucked at healing. If I risked it, her injury would have worsened and she would have died because of my mistake. However, if I didn’t even try and she died, it would still be my fault.

My head started spinning and my tongue felt like sandpaper. Sweat was spotting on my forehead and my head was pounding.  I couldn’t do this.

“Please,” Beau said breathlessly when Abigail’s screams were coming out tiredly.

“What happened?” Weston yelled frantically, running into the room. When he saw the commotion, he threw his hand in his dark hair. “Shit.”

“Abigail ran ahead of us to show us something. That’s when two hunters came out of the bushes and one stabbed Abigail,” Jade supplied with her voice quavering. She cried as she looked down at Abigail. “Eli and Jarred finished the hunters while I tried to aid Abigail. That’s when we figured – figured out – that the wound was – was,” Jade continued. She couldn’t even finish her statement.

“Danny, she’s getting weaker,” Jarred screamed, motioning his hand towards his sister. “Help.”

“I might do it wrong,” I replied, feeling guilty. “If I try, it could worsen. I don’t want her to die because of my mistake.”

“Danny,” Weston said, coming over to me and grabbing my head in between his hands. His blue eyes pierced into me. “You could do this. Just concentrate. Please don’t just stand there when you’re the only one who could do something about it. She’s dying, Danny. Just concentrate. Breathe. You could do it.”

I looked at Abigail. Her skin was so pale. Her eyes kept rolling back, but Eli refused to let her sleep. She moaned in agony.

I had to do something. I had to try.

“Okay, I’ll do it,” I whispered, looking into Weston’s piercing blue eyes.

“You’ll do fine,” Weston smiled, letting go of my face.

Everyone went dead silent as I threw orders at them. “Eli, I need you to lay her on the couch. Someone, please get water, a whole roll of napkins, and fresh clothes for Abigail. I also need a first aid kit,” I said, feeling much more confident.

Eli placed Abigail on the couch softly. She moaned softly in pain. Jade, Jet, and Stacey placed all the materials next to me in the next minute. Eli grabbed his mate’s hand. Jarred stood next to his twin sister, stroking her hair.

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