Chapter 1: The Beginning

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Please watch the video above it is so cute!

This story uses the characters from the manga/anime No.6

This story has nothing to do with the original story except for the personalities of the characters.

But i really recommend that you read the manga/watch the anime before reading this.

Nezumi's POV

My 18th birthday is coming up. Im not sure why 18 is such an important number in my lifetime or anyone else's but I'm dreading it. Birthdays are such a pain in the ass. Everyone screaming 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY!' and crowding around me. I'd really rather not bother.

Being the King and all makes it even more crowded and boring. There is usually a big party and lots of alcohol so everyone gets drunk and annoying. I personally choose not to drink.

But the thing that makes this birthday all the more annoying is that by the time of the party, i need to have a wife by my side.

And i absolutely HATE girls.

They're all so irritating and care too much about their appearance. They always try to cling on to me like a bat and make me uncomfortable. I have been introduced to a lot of girls in the past (all rich spoilt ones) by my parents and they all look the same in my eyes.

My parents loud call brings me back into reality.

"Nezumi darling would you come down here for a minute?"

I lazily get off the sofa and put my book down to see what she wants.

I get down stairs to see my parents standing side by side in front of some double doors protectively.

"Ok Nezumi i think it is about time that you get to know some girls before your 18th birthday so you will have someone to call your wife. On the other side of these doors are 10 beautiful rich girls that I'm sure at least one of them will take your fancy."

I just stood there slightly shocked. Why do i have to get married to one of them? Cant i choose properly who i want to marry?

My parents open the door together and slightly push me in. There are 10 girls all sitting at separate tables with sparkly dresses on and dangly earrings. Their faces are all caked in make-up and i can tell that a few of them have had botox (is that how you spell it? Btw if you don't know what that is, its an injection some people get to make you face look like it has less wrinkles. Usually people who wear it cant move their fave very much and cant show expressions ).

"So Nezumi, you start at that table and work your way around. We will give you 1 minute at each table and when you are done we will give you some time to think about your decision."

"Tsk, fine" i clicked. I didn't really argue against my parents for two reasons: 1 - i would never win 2 - its a wast of breath and energy.

I got through at least 6 girls that all looked and sounded the same. They were all the type of girls that would try and get as close to you as possible and flutter their fake eyelashes at you.  The other 4 girls were either awkward messes, too shy to even speak or the type of girl that fangirls at every move i make. But all in all, they were all the same.

After the last girl, i turned on my heels and went straight out the door without a word. I heard a distant call from my mother telling me to have a good think about it but i ignored it and went straight to the palace kitchen. I hadn't eaten all day and i was really starting to get hungry.

(Ok this is the really cliché part)

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed an apple and a glass of water. I started heading back out of the kitchen when i turned a sharp corner and bumped into someone and spilt all my water down me.

"A-ah! Im so so so so sorry!!" The mysterious figure said repeatedly. I got off the floor and dusted myself off with my hands. I looked down to see a white haired boy on the floor trying to pick up all the food he had dropped on the floor while bumping into me.

"Its fine" i said in an emotionless voice as i got down on my knees to pick up some of the stuff he had dropped. We both stood up at the same time and stood quite close to each other. I stepped back a bit and handed him some stuff. While doing so, i got to look at him a bit better.

He looked around my age, maybe a bit younger and he had snow white hair and a red line on his face.

"Sorry again for bumping into you! Are you ok?"

"Im fine, it wasn't your fault." I started to turn around.

"But it was!" He called. I stopped in my tracks. "Whats you name?"

Wow he didn't even realise that i was the King.

"You first" i said while turning to face him again.

"I-im Shion"

"Like the flower?"

"Yeah now your turn"

I laughed a bit at his child-like actions.

"Well as you seem to be THAT oblivious, i will tell you now that my name is Nezumi the first! King of this boring country!" I said really dramatically which kinda surprised me seeing as I'm usually really expressionless.

He laughed a bit at my performance and then realised what i said. The colour came out of his face completely and his eyes widened.

"Don't freak out its not that big of a deal" i said putting my hands on my hips.

He blinked once and then became a stuttering mess.

"Omg i-i-im sorry if i disturbed you i seriously didn't know you were the King!"

"Stop apologising, your making my head hurt"

"I-i-im -"

"Don't say it!"


"Good now don't treat me like a King ok? Treat me like I'm just a normal guy because I'm seriously fed up with that shitty treatment."

He seemed kind of shocked that i swore but nodded his head in response.

"So!" He said completely changing the mood "Can we be friends?"

To be continued!

Nezushi The King's Secret LoverWhere stories live. Discover now