Chapter 5: Idea?

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Nezumi's POV

While walking back to the palace, hand in hand, my mind was occupied with brainstorming an idea to make our relationship work. I gaze over to Shion who is happily smiling to himself while looking at his surroundings. His gaze meets mine and he gives another bright smile. I return it gladly and give his hand a squeeze.

We had just entered the building when one of the maids stopped us. I quickly let go of Shion's hand and turned around.

"Oh Shion! Where have you been? I was looking for you!" She said moving closer to Shion and putting on a pouty face.

"Sorry Safu i was just..."

"Hwaaah! K-King Nezumi! Shion what are you d-doing with the king!" She said putting her hand on his arm.

"Ah he's my- a friend of mine!" I gave this 'Safu' girl a 'don't touch him' look and she returned it.

"Well, be sure to come see me this evening, i have something for you." She winked at him before skipping off and i cringed.

"Who was that?" I asked. She was going waaay to close for comfort to my Shion.

"Oh thats Safu. She's my childhood friend but shes been acting kinda weird around me lately. I could never see her more then a friend though, the most obvious reason for that being that i am totally gay."

I chuckled a bit and thats when an idea sprung into my mind.

"Hey Shion, i think i might have an idea, but your not going to like it..." I said lowering my voice at the last bit.

"What is it?" He said nervously

"Well, the main problem with our relationship is that we are both boys, so if you were to be a girl, things would work out fine"

There was a short pause.

"Emm Nezumi... Im not sure if I'm comfortable with dressing as a girl..."

"It would just be while you're around people... And maybe after a while you can reveal that you are a boy but no one will be able to do anything about it because we will already be married." Shion blushed a bit at my last comment and looked down.

"I don't know... But i guess if its the only way we can be together then we might as well give it a try..."

"Im sure you will pull it off well. After all, your features are quite girly." I said smirking at him.

"Oi!" He slapped my arm and pouted.

- Timeskip -

"You nearly ready Shion?" I called out to him from behind the curtains.

"Its embarrassing! I don't want to!" He said stubbornly.

"It cant be that bad! C'mon i bet you will look perfect."


The curtains opened to reveal Shion in a purple and gold dress that dragged along behind him and showed of a bit of his shoulders. His face was red with embarrassment and he was looking away the whole time.

"I change my mind, i cant do this!" He said closing the curtains again. I slowly opened them again to see Shion sitting on the floor hugging his legs tightly towards his chest.

"Hey... Are you ok?" I asked him crouching down in front of him. He had tears at the corners of his eyes and his head was buried in his knees.

"Im scared *sniff* but i want to be with you." He sobbed. I wrapped my arms around him in a tight hug and let him cry his heart out. I rubbed reassuring circles on his back and now and again kissed the top of his head.

"If you really don't want to do this, i can try and think of another way..."

"No! I have to try! Even if we fail, at least we tried our best." He shouted, springing his head up to lock eyes with mine.

"Only if your ok with it." I said before giving him a quick but meaningful kiss on the lips while wiping his tears away with my thumb.

What is this boy doing to me?

- Timeskip -

Shion's POV

I. Am. Terrified.

Me and Nezumi are currently walking down the long corridor towards main hall while i am in a dress. Its the most irritating and uncomfortable thing i have ever worn in my life. I cling onto Nezumi's arm tighter as i feel as if everyone's eyes are on me; and they probably are.

"Nezumi..." I say just above a whisper.


"Everyone is looking at us." He looks around and glares at all the maids and cleaners looking at us and they quickly get back to work.

"It will be fine." He gives me a reassuring smile and continues looking strait ahead.

We arrive at the door and i stop in fear. My brain feels like its going to explode with all the different scenarios i keep making up in my head. I feel a warmness on my cheek as Nezumi presses his lips against it. I breath in and out slowly and smile at Nezumi before we both open the doors together...

To be continued!! 

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