Chapter 7: Shion is NOT a Girl

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I'm soooooo sorry for not updating sooner but tbh i was really sick and it was also my Birthday so yh happy Easter bitches.

Jk i love you all <3

Also this chapter is very short but its just here to please you guys while waiting for the next one to come along which will be muchhhhh better and muchhhhh fluffier i promise.


A dress...?

"It must be perfect! I'll call someone now." My mother then rushed to ring a bell at the other side of the room which will call one of the servants over. Within a few seconds, there was a knock on the door and she quickly rushed to the door to let in the servant.

"Shion, this is my favourite servant, Safu. She will be taking your measurements for the dress!"

Shion's POV:

I stared in absolute horror at the sight in front of me. Right before my eyes was the girl i was dreading to see the most.

Was it possible that she could recognise me?

Her mouth opens the size of the moon and her eyes widen to their maximum.

Oh yeah... she definately does...

I look towards Nezumi and he is in as much shock as i am. His hand tightens around mine as Safu forses her mouth closed and begins to speak.

"C-c-come right this way!" she half-shouts with a false smile. I look at Nezumi once again and he gives me a look which shows the words 'You're on your own now' with an apologetic look in his eyes. I subtley nod my head at him and make my way towards Safu, disconecting our hands. As soon as we are out of the doors with no one around, the expected happens.

"Shion are you crazy?! What are you doing getting married to the Prince?! Your not even a goddamn girl Shion! When they find out they'll kick you out for sure!"

"Calm down Safu... When the right time comes and they find out, no one will be able to stop us. You're just stressing over nothing" i say with a wave of my hand.

"And how long do you suppose it will take until the right time comes huh? Do you seriously think you can live in dresses for more than a year? Also, Nezumi is the heir. They expect to get an heir from him as well but nooOOOOooo SHION DOESNT HAVE A VAG-"

"Safu shhh! Someone witll hear you!" I whisper-yelled at her. "If i can be with Nezumi, i don't mind having to wear dresses forever. But, it wont be forever and with the heir... it looks like the royal family is just going to have to end here."

"You can't be serious Shion... And here i was thinking that one day... i would be holding little Shion babies of my own..." I cringed at her words but saw the saddness in her eyes and my expression sofened.

"Oh Safu... You deserve way better than me..." I started, putting my hand on her shoulder "And besides, do you really want to have to deal with a guy that does crazy stuff like this?-"

"If its you than yes!" She shouted at me with tears in her eyes. I sighed and removed my hand from her shoulder.

"Im sorry Safu... But this is the path i want to take. I want to be with Nezumi." I said with confidence.

"...I understand" she said before looking down and turning away from me. "Come on then, we have some measurements to take."

The smile on my face grew and then we set off to the designing room. Safu didn't turn to look at me once but i understood that it must be painful getting your heart broken by the person you have always loved.

Ok i'm sorry that this is so short but i promise that the next one will be longer... i just need to work out what i want to do with the story first...


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