Chapter 11.

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Dylan Matthews.

Fridays are always tiring. Everyone loves Friday, except for me. There's always tests to correct, assignments to read and grade, detention to supervise. It's a shitshow.

I was hoping to go home take a bath, relax, maybe invite over Katherine and spend some time with her. I really need to talk to her. I don't like leaving things like this between us. I hate arguing with her.

She has no idea how muchI love her. How I'm crazy about her.

I know she's seven years younger than me, I do. But I hell it doesn't feel like it. Age is just a number in my opinion, it's the maturity that matters to me. And Katherine really is mature for her age. She's the one constantly reminding me that what we're doing is wrong and illegal. It should be the other way around.

But every time I'm with her those issues disappear and I get lost in her. She makes me lose control.

Everyone went home and I'm packing my stuff in the classroom to go to detention. I don't know why but Mr.Higgins thought that I was the best candidate to supervise these things. I mean I've been here for two years.

Something about Katherine caught my eye from the moment I saw her last year. But I couldn't do anything about it. She had a boyfriend. And I was her teacher. This year though, a few months ago when we kissed. I knew that she liked me too, and I had hope for us. Lucky enough, things got serious between us and I couldn't be happier. I really think this could go somewhere, I can really see a future for us. I'm quite serious about her, I just hope she knows that.

I grab my laptop and the papers I have to grade and make my way towards the detention room.

Just when I walk out of the classroom I was in, someone grabs my arm and pulls me in another room. It's dark and I can't see anything. All I hear is our heavy breathing.

After a few minutes of silence. The mysterious culprit turnss on the lights and I sigh in relief.


"Why are you so freaked out?" She whispers.

"Because you dragged me in here all of a sudden?" I say sarcastically.

"I'm sorry, I didn't turn the lights on so that no one would know there's someone in here."

We're in the janitor's room I realise as I take a quick sweep of the cleaning products.

"What are you still doing here?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion.

"I have detention. Got busted skipping class." She says a little embarrassed.

I laugh. "Well that's good, that gives me a lot of time to stare at you."

We both laugh at that.

"Don'tdo that it'd be creepy for the others."

When I say nothing she looks down and sighs.

"I'm sorry, for being so freaked out all the time. I just worry about us, about you, you could lose your job Dylan, if anyone finds out..." She trails off shaking her head. Looking concerned.

I cup her cheeks in my hands. "You're all worth it sweetheart. I can find another job, but I can't find another you." And I kiss her.

"I love you Matthews." She whispers against my lips.

"I love you too Grayson." I kiss her again.

After that I leave the janitor's room, and walk into detention.

A few minutes later she walks in as if nothing had happened between us moments ago.

That's the good thing about it. We're both good actors, Katherine better than me. It's what brought us together in the first place. She loves acting and was the lead in a school play, I had some acting experience from my high school and college years, so I was directing the school play.

Then one night, we were rehearsing together alone in the school, and we kissed and you know the rest.

After Katherine walks in she goes over to her friends at the back of the class and sits down next to them.
I hear them asking her what took her so long, and she says she was in the bathroom.

The detention starts when the other students walk in and take their seats.

I don't know if this is a weird coincidence but all of her friends are in detention too, no one besides their whole gang.

Something tells me this isn't going to end well.

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