Chapter 16

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A/N: A bit shorter... But we're nearing the end, guys. Just a  few more chapters left!

Disclaimer: As always, I don't own PJO or the Avengers.

Chapter 16:

Third Person POV-

Apollo tilted his head for a moment to think, before amending his prior statement. "Well, I mean, it was Zeus' idea... I would have never proposed it- or even considered it- if I thought of it."

"But it's a way to stop Tartarus, right?" Percy asked, letting himself hope for a few precious moments.

"Yes, but-"

"Why are you telling just me? We need to tell thee entire team! I'll go get them!" At the last statement, Percy began to turn and leave, before Apollo caught his arm. Percy turned back, confused.

"No, Percy. If they knew, they wouldn't let you do it." Apollo replied. 

At that, Percy visibly went on guard. "How do we take him down?"

Apollo grimaced. "You don't... Exactly." He went on to explain the plan as Percy's demeanor began to sink from elated joy to a passive, disheartened acceptance.

"Percy... Please know that it wasn't my idea. I voted against it, but... Too many were for the idea. The ones who voted for it just wanted the war to end as soon as possible." Apollo explained, clearly heartbroken.

"I understand... I'll do it." Percy responded. Percy hated how weak he sounded.

Apollo looked as if he wanted to cry; the finality of the plan diminishing his usually sunny persona and countenance.

"Apollo..." Percy said, voice soft. "It's okay. I want to do this."

Apollo nodded, because of course Percy would want to do something like this. He has such a hero-complex. "Come here, cousin." Percy came, and Apollo wrapped his arms around Percy.

"Don't tell anyone this hug happened." Apollo warned into Percy's ear as he pulled away.

"Never." Percy swore, smiling softly. Apollo smiled back, and then turned to gently lay his hands on Nico, murmuring some Ancient Greek words. Percy turned and left to meet up with the Avengers.

Before he arrived to where he saw one of the Avengers training, he closed his eyes, straightened his composure, and plastered a smile on his face. 

A Week Later...

Apollo gave the unconscious boy a quick look over, as he has been many times a day for the last three days since he finished working his magic on Nico. The rest was all up to Nico. Looking up, Apollo noticed his son, Will, standing awkwardly to the side.

"I'll leave you two alone." Apollo said quietly, as to not disturb the peaceful silence, a knowing smile on his face. Will blushed and nodded, walking over to Nico and plopping down on a nearby chair. Hesitantly, Will took Nico's hand. Apollo quickly made his exit.

What felt like an eternity but really were just brief moments passed.

 "You know..." Will began, before taking a deep breath and continuing. "One of my biggest regrets is never telling you how I feel about you. For a couple of months now... I've liked you. To be honest, dare I say it... I love you. You may be the son of Hades, but you're my light. I just wish I had the chance to be your light too. And that I had the courage to say this to you when you're actually awake and conscious." At the last part, Will chuckled, but his eyes told a different story. In his blue eyes, there was sadness and tears welling up, threatening to spill over.  Shyly and hesitantly, Will took Nico's hand and squeezed softly, laying his head down on the cot beside Nico. Within ten minutes, exhaustion overtook the waiting boy, leaving him in a distraught slumber.

Hours later, a flutter of breath left a pale boy's lips, deathly pale fingers tightening lightly against something that was in his hand. He was deathly pale, but to those who knew him, they knew it was normal for the boy. In fact, it was a large improvement from a week ago.  

Nice stirred, and his eyes slowly opened. His vision was blurred and bleary, but there was something.... Something golden beside him. 

"Solace?" He murmured.

The golden head shot up immediately, sleep leaving the demigod almost instantaneously. "Nico! Are you alright?"

"Yeah... I'm just..." Nico yawned loudly. "Tired."

Solace smiled softly. "Understandable. You were in a horrible state when you came." Worry and distress edged it's way into Solace's countenance. "But, go to sleep. You need rest. I'll be here when you wake up." Will replied, a soft smile on his face.

Nico tried to get up as he replied, "No, I have stuff to do. You don't understand. Something bad is coming. Give me some more ambrosia so I can go."

"No. If you take too much, you'll burn up. I already fed you a lot." Will reprimanded, "I'm your doctor. Listen to me. You won't be any good to the Avengers if you collapse in the middle of battle or whatever you're talking about."

Nico considered Will's words for a second before quickly dismissing it, and he instead considered shadow travelling away. Unfortunately, his power reserves were all drained. He had no other choice. He was in the worst possible punishment ever... He was stuck in bed to rest. "Fine... But at least call the Avengers in so I can update them with what I found out."

"Good. I will." Will smiled, and Nico couldn't help but smile back. The Son of the Sun God called a nearby demigod over and gave him a message to give the Avengers.


The Avengers were all seated at Poseidon's table, and Jason, despite his godly parent, sat with them. 

"Oh my God. And then some cheeky boy goes up to Natasha bragging that he's so great and all, saying that if he beats Natasha in a fight, he gets a kiss." Clint explained, his hands moving frantically as he tells the story. Natasha is beside him, fighting a smile and trying to look cross.

Thor shook his head. "The poor lad is in for a fright." Everyone nodded in agreement, and Percy couldn't help but feel bad for the poor kid.

"In one quick move, before the boy can even do anything, Natasha has the guy in a headlock with her legs and he's on the ground. Needless to say, no one messed with her after that and after the first guy tried to flirt with her when we first came." Clint continued, guffawing. Natasha just rolled her eyes and continued eating.

Stark downed his drink before saying, "I was at the Hephaestus Cabin earlier- The place is so cool by the way- and these kids are outright geniuses! And that's saying something from me. Well, of course, they aren't as smart as me, but anyways. So some kid was trying to-"

He was cut off by someone running up to the group, their breaths short, shallow, and frantic. The team and Jason waited expectantly for the boy to catch his breath.

"Sorry about that. So uhhh... Will sent me. Nico is awake, and he has some news." Instantly, everyone shot to their feet and ran over, almost mowing the poor kid down who jumped out of the way just in the nick of time, thanks to his ADHD.

They burst though the doors of the cabin, and immediately, they rushed to Nico's bedside.

"Death Breath! You alright?"

"Oh my Gods, you scared me! How are you?"

"How are you doing?"

"Are you in any pain?"

Will's face darkened, and he immediately stood between them and Nico, keeping them from overcrowding Nico. "Everyone. Stop." They all silenced, looking at Will surprised as they didn't notice him when they came in.

Nico bit back a laugh at Will's protectiveness. Their hands were still intertwined with each other. "I'm fine guys, but," He readjusted himself on the cot. "I have some bad news..."

"What is it?" Percy asked, concern apparent. 

Nico took a few steadying breaths, looking down at his lap, before looking back up and staring straight at Steve and Percy. "Tartarus is attacking in four days."

All Hades was set loose.

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