Chapter 18

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A/N: Here's Chapter 18! It's only 1100 or so words... Sorry guys. I've begun the next chapter though. Just to set the mood, the attached video is the song I listened to while writing it. Hans Zimmer is an amazing composer, and the emotional swells just seemed to fit the chapter so well. His work in Interstellar is one of my favorites.

Disclaimer: I don't own the soundtrack added, nor do I own Percy Jackson or the Avengers. I don't own the cover art, either!

Chapter 18:

Having been taken to Olympus by Apollo, soft treading filled the foreboding, loud silence, as all in attendance lifted their gaze to rest on the young hero who, once again, would lie his life on the line for the sake of others. Percy's solemn, masked eyes scanned the room. 

His father, Poseidon was there, sitting on his gray and green streaked marble throne embellished with corals. He looked haggard, as if his millenniums of living had finally caught up to him. His back was hunched and head bowed, as if burdened with grief the size of a mountain. But, it was true, wasn't it? Because it seems that in the thick of it, at the very end, it would always be his son who would sweep in to save them all, at the cost of his sanity and life. Granted, gods and goddesses were not exactly the best parents, always thrusting their children in the line of war, but that didn't mean they still didn't care for their child. It didn't mean that he didn't mourn and care and love Percy.

Hestia wasn't doing any better. The fire she was tending was wavering, glowing softly and flickering in and out, matching Hestia's trembling emotions. Once again, Percy was being thrown into the wind by them, despite everything Percy had done and sacrificed for them.

Hades, sitting in his throne, was blank and cold. But, behind the stone facade, the death god was silently grieving. Not that he would admit it, of course. He knew that if it came to it, Percy would be granted instantaneous admittance to Elysium, whether he had the a drachma or not.

Zeus slammed his thunderbolt into the marble floor, sparks flying and a loud boom catching the attention of all in attendance. "Perseus Jackson. You have served your duty well, and it is to my absolute displeasure to admit that Olympus owes you. Your titles you have rightfully earned, and your accomplishments and story will be passed down from generation to generation."

"Every legend-" Zeus looked mildly displeased at admitting the son of the sea god was a legend- " meets it's end, however, and as you know, a great being is stirring in the depths of the Underworld, past Hades' domain. That being has a human body and is fully formed. If he yearned so, the primordial could cause the devastation of the entire planet."

Poseidon took in a deep, shuddering breath, "This being only seeks one thing: Revenge. Revenge for the fall of his wife, Gaea, who you have ended. He seeks your death." Tears were falling down his cheeks, for he knew what was coming, and since Percy came despite knowing, he was certain his son would agree.

Percy nodded. "The only clear alternative to a full-fledged war that will result in many deaths is if I go in alone."

Apollo looked distraught from where he sat, as did his sister, Artemis, and a couple of other gods. "Maybe... Maybe there is another way. Another way we haven't thought of!" Hermes stated. A brief flicker of hope lit up Poseidon's face, before falling once more at his son's clear determination.

"Why aren't we helping? Why aren't we fighting in this war?" Ares demanded. Whether he was demanding out of reluctant care for Percy or love of war, Ares wasn't sure.

"YOU KNOW WELL WHY." Zeus thundered. "If we are all defeated, what is left of the Greek Pantheon?"

Hades face hardened. "Just face it, Zeus! You are too cowardly to risk Olympus being wiped out!"

Immediately, all the gods and goddesses jumped out, all firing off insults and arguments against each other.

"Would you do this if it were Jason?"

"Percy has done ENOUGH for us!"

"We'll all DIE at his hands if Percy doesn't give himself over-"

"Which is better, one person dying or the whole world-"

"EVERYBODY STOP." Percy's commanding voice echoed through the room. They all looked at Percy, shock evident in some of their faces. "We all knew this was going to happen." Percy continued on bitterly, his bitterness cracking his stone hard facade of strength and heroic determination. Like glass, the crack spread, fracturing in the tiniest of pieces until it cascaded off onto the ground, revealing Percy's true mental state.

The once brilliantly lit face of a young, innocent teenager filled to the brim with life was now broken by the heavy weight of responsibility and grief. The Avengers may have saved him from his demons, showed him that weakness was not always horrible, and helped him with his PTSD, but somethings will never change. The burden on his back would never be lifted. It could only be added to, until the demigod dropped and crumbled under the weight.

He may have held the sky on his shoulders, but he now bore the weight of the world. Again.

The gods and goddesses looked on, many in grief and guilt.

"Just... Promise me one thing." Percy said, his voice heavy with emotion. 

"What is it, son?" Poseidon asked, desperate for anything that could make this better.

Percy met his father's gaze with his ocean blue ones before saying, "Protect the Avengers and the other demigods to come. Promise me that they will forever stay under your protection and watchful gaze. I don't want anyone following me too soon to Elysium. And..." Percy hesitated, thinking for a moment before continuing, "My life... No one else should have to go through this. Promise me that when push comes to shove, you'll be there for whoever is the next hero. You'll do better by them."

"Percy... You are among the ranks of Achilles and Odysseus. Perhaps, even, you have surpassed them. I don't even know if there will be another in future." Hestia told him gently, knowing how much Percy and his modesty hated being held in such high regard. 

Poseidon nodded in agreement before saying, "Even so, we promise. Don't we, brother?" The last word was directed at Zeus and with so much venom, Zeus barely restrained a flinch.

Under the glares of many gods and goddesses, he reluctantly acquiesced, "Of course, brother..."

"Then that ends it." Percy said, nodding sharply. "I'm ready to go, whenever you can send or direct me to where Tartarus is." At that, Poseidon's face flashed with fear before he stood up once more and shrank down to human size.

Gently, his took Percy into his arms, before squeezing like he would never see Percy again, because, well, he never would. Silently, the other gods and goddesses but Hades, who would be taking Percy, took their leave, leaving the father and son to embrace each other silently, tears running between them.

"I love you, Dad."

"I love you too, Son."


A/N: So, what did you think? Were my past hints too obvious? Could you tell this was going to happen? Not to fish for anything, but comments make my day ad it's nice to have some engagement and feedback, so if you have something to say, comment please!

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