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My mind feels fuzzy and it's getting uncomfortably warm. I'm not laying on the mattress, because I can still feel Harry underneath me, snorting softly. Okay, so Harry's a deep sleeper. His hands are still clasped and his cheek is still pressed against the top of my head. But I need to move because My neck is starting to cramp. I moved to get up and oh, I fucking wish I hadn't. My legs are sore on a whole new level and I think I may need surgery. I carefully and slowly untangle Harry's hands from my back and stick a pillow in my place on top of him. Harry doesn't even notice as he clings to the pillow and turns to his side.

Oh god he's so fucking adorable. And oh, I need drugs for my legs,

I pick up my robe from last night and tie it around myself. Oh god why did I run for that long, and why did I decide to have sex right after? Well not that I regret the sex part. It was nice, but the running? I'm an idiot.

"Hey guys I wa-" I turn around clutching the material from my robe. Liam's standing there wide eyed until he sees Harry and a small smirk appears on his face. Well, fuck me. Why don't they knock?! "Well I was going to ask Harry if he wanted to come out with me quickly, but he seems a bit recked." He finishes with a wiggle of his eyebrows. He chuckled quietly at my red cheeks. So not cool.

"Yeah, he's asleep," I shrugged trying to pick some of my dignity back off the floor. He laughs quietly eyes crinkling in the corners. He walked closer and ruffled my hair.
"Well maybe another time. Unless...." He looked up at me hopefully. I'm lost. What?

"Unless, what?"

"Would you go with me? We'll only be gone for a few hours and I'd really like some company?" Oh. So that's what he was going to ask. If I'd like to go with him. Would I want to go with him? Last time I went out I found out my father was dying, but if I don't go out with him, I'll just end up spending another day stuck inside. And I was not looking forward to that.

"Um, yeah. Okay. I'll go with you." I finished hesitantly with a small smile. Liam smiled his usual crinkly smile hugged me quickly.

"Great! Hurry on and get dressed. Meet me down stairs." He clapped his hands and skipped out of my room. I looked out the window and frowned. It was cloudy, and it looked cold. Completely different from the last time I was out. With a sigh and a grimace I walked over to my suitcase, I opened it up and pulled out black jeans (that I'm most likely going to have to squeeze painfully into) and a grey jumper. This'll have to do for now. I walked over to the bathroom and threw Harry's lucky beanie on and hopefully it'll be better luck this time. After my face looked normal-well as normal as it'd get- I walked over to the bed and smiled. Harry was clutching the pillow like his life depended on it. His bottom half still covered by the comforter and his hair a mess. A cute and soft mess. And if I was so content with Harry simply sleeping I knew I was in fucking deep with this pop star. With a final glance I sighed and walked out. I'd be back later. There was no need to miss Harry. Not that I miss him.

Because I don't. No. I really don't. Well....just a little bit.

I walked down and headed for the lobby searching for Liam. I looked around and found him by the food tabel, throwing handfuls of sugar into his coffee. How he stays in shape, I'll never know. He looks up while stirring and sees me. He throws an excited smile my way. "Beth!" He says excitedly. I chuckle and walk over to him. I take his mug and take a sip from it. The candy like coffee making my teeth ache.

"If you keep drinking your coffee like this, you'll eventually get diabetes," I joked handing him the red cup back. He shrugged and drank happily from his drink.

"It's so good, it's worth it. Ready?" I nodded. I highly doubt diabetes is worth anything.

"You say that now. And yeah, let's bounce." He laughed and after finishing his diabetes drink we began walking towards the back entrance. Three giant men waiting for us. They smiled and said their pleasant hellos before leading us back out to another expensive black car. And what is it with them and black cars? There are other colors to. Liam got in after me. He was reciting a story from before my accident laughing. And it sounds like I used to be fun and less confused. After thirty minuets, thanks to traffic we ended up on some back street called SugarPine. We walk out and I take a moment to thank the heavens above for allowing us privacy. No fans, no screaming, and no shoving. Harry's hat must already be working. It's cold outside though. Cold enough that I can still feel the chill through my sweater. I'm bouncing slightly on my feet trying to regain some semblance of warmth while Liam stops outside every window of every damn boutique. He's humming something that sounds suspiciously like one of their songs from their album, thumbing through a rack of postcards outside an empty shop.

"Hey, look, Beth," Liam calls me over and I tear my eyes away from a postcard with a giant baby on it. "Look, it's you and Harry sharing air," Liam's holding out a magazine with Harry and I lip locking. His arms look snug around me as mine hug his neck. It's cute, and so fucking cliche. Let's not forget embarrassing. My cheeks turn red as Liam barks out a laugh. He tucks the magazine back into it's original place and continues rummaging. I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Hey, hey. Don't look at me like that. Everyone needs a postcard from Germany." Liam picks up another weird card with a hotdog on it. "They defiantly need this one."

"This one Liam!" I exclaim. It's a picture of Kanye holding onto the brim of his ray bans looking out. The caption reads, 'I love you, like Kanye loves Kanye' it's priceless and so much better than the hotdog one.
"Ooo, maybe gram would like that instead." Liam takes the card from me. He holds the hotdog one in his hand, weighing them up in his hands with a considering look on his face.

"There's no question to it Li," I help. "It's Kanye! Always Kanye."

Liam nods but drops the hotdog card back into his arms. I look up at him amused and he shrugs his shoulders. "What? Kanye goes to gram, and the hotdog goes to mum." I nod laughing silently because Liam Payne is really too cute. He wanders back off into the shop to pay, as I follow him like a baby duck. Quackity fucking quack. The small shop is cute and warm. The only one in there is a young man. He looks about my age and oh, fuck. He's looking over at me. I smile back at him and Liam turns to see what's got the cashier distracted. I walk the rest of the way over and Liam rests his arm around my shoulders. The guy is putting the cards into a paper bag, stealing chances to look at me. After Liam hands him the money we walk begin to walk out.

"Hey. Wait, wait." A voice calls out after us. I stop and my eyes grow at the cashier who is walking towards me. He reaches me and smiles. "I'm James," he says with bright eyes. I smile and shake his outstretched hand.

"I'm Beth. And this is Liam." I offer and Liam nods politely. He doesn't look comfortable with what's happening and, well, what is happening?

"I know," he says with a quiet voice. "I just wanted to introduce mys-" he stops when Liam's phone rings loudly. Liam plucks it out of his pocket with a quiet curse. He excuses himself and moves away leaving me alone with James. I look back at James with a small grin. "Anyways, I just wanted to see if yo-"
"Calm down....she''s....only two hours....okay fine!" Liam interrupts James again, only this time it's with his voice. Liam's pinching the bridge of his nose tilting his head back. He groans and lets out a breath before walking back over to us.

"I'm sorry James, what were you saying?" I say, and James nods.

"I wanted to see if you'd like to-"

"Sorry mate, she's taken and we have to go. Better luck next time." Liam cuts him off one last time before grabbing my hand and forcing me to walk behind him. I turn to look back at James who looks surprised and confused. He looks up and I mouth 'sorry' before trying to keep up with Liam and okay. Okay, Liam I'm not athletic, and my legs are painfully sore.

"Why do we have to leave? We just got here?" We did. It's been, maybe an hour? Hour and thirty minuets? Liam sighs.

"I know. But Harry's awake and having a fit about you leaving."
What? A fit? Why is Harry having a fit? It's not like I left on my own. I wouldn't do that. I'm not stupid....well I am. But I'm not that stupid.

"Why? Has something happened before?"

"You mean other than the bump on your head?" And okay. That makes sense. Kind of. Not really.

"Well, okay. But I'm with you, and I'm sure you're like, responsible right?" Liam nods grinning. After ten minuets we finally make it back to the car and get in. I'm still surprised his fans didn't come around. Yay.

"Harry's a down right mother hen when it comes to you." Okay then.

We make it back in record time. Twenty minuets to be exact and Liam's knee is bouncing. I blame the sugar. "Why are you nervous?" I ask confused. Why was he nervous? He shouldn't be nervous.

"M'not nervous. I just fidget a lot." And no, that's not it, because as we're rushed in, Liam being Forced to ignore his rabid fans, he's got his bottom lip between his teeth gnawing at it crazily. I don't have to ask why he's nervous again, because as soon as we make it back inside Harry's already running towards me. His eyes are wide and worried. And well he's got a lot more clothes on now. Good.

He pulls me in for a tight hug. "S'mine Liam," Harry hisses over my shoulder. Something's happening and i don't know how to feel about it.

"I know Haz. We just went to the shops." Liam says in a patronizing tone. Harry doesn't relax though. Instead he pulls away and shoves me behind him, blocking me from Liam's view.

This escalated quickly.

"Don't do it again." Harry warns turning his back to Liam and grabbing my hand. And for the second time today I'm being led away from a confused man.

"What's wrong Harry? Why did you say that to Liam? We were just walking around."

We made it back to the elevator and Harry shoved me inside before he got in the doors closing behind him. "I don't care. I woke up and you were gone...and I thought....and no one...Louis didn't even know" he's rambling looking down. Yes I was away when Harry woke up, but I don't think it's a big enough deal for him to get so upset with Liam. But maybe it was, to Harry anyway, because when he's done babbling he looks at me with big wet eyes and a heartbreaking expression. Oh god, I'm not okay with this. "I didn't know where you were. I thought you left because you regretted last night, and-Beth please tell me you don't! You don't right?!"

Oh god I'm an ass whole. It's not possible for me to regret last night. It's also not possible for me to leave him. My heart wouldn't let me. And to have Harry thinking I do regret it is awful and the furthest thing from the truth.

"I don't regret Harry. I'd never regret it." I promised with a kiss to his cheek. "I'd never leave you either. I'm sorry I did this morning, I didn't think it'd make you upset" I really, really didn't.

"I'd never let you leave me."


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