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"How is she?" Louis asks, as I close the door as quietly as I can.

"She's okay.....well she's not okay. But she will be." If I have anything to do with it. Because I miss my Beth. The old Beth who loved to laugh and sass Louis on new levels.

"I'm glad she finally let it out." Louis pats my shoulder and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Yeah," I sigh. "It was a bit frightening but I think it'll help her feel better. M'glad I was here."

Louis nods. "Yeah. Don't think she would've let anyone else touch her....maybe Niall." Louis says his tone enveloped with bitter sentiment. "Don't know why. He's not that special." Louis rambling and it's bit surprising to see him so territorial. Maybe even a bit jealous.

"What are you blabbering about?" Louis groans and stomps toward the stool. "I'm sure she would've let you help her. You're her best friend."

"Are you sure it isn't Niall?"

"Okay," I breathe out. "What is your problem? Why are you upset that Niall and Beth are friends?"

"M'not upset. I don't care if they're friends," and maybe I'd believe him, if he didn't sound so bitter.

"Sure you don't," I say with a raised brow. Louis is hiding something. Or at the very least trying to. "Whatever it is keep it away from Beth. I don't want any negativity around her, what so ever."

"I'm not stupid Harry." Louis says in a matter of fact tone, sounding like a stubborn child. And when I give him a look, he sighs and grumbles, "M'not that stupid."

"I know Lou, but we need to be careful with Beth right now."

Louis nods his head in understanding. If it were up to me, I would've taken Beth far away. Somewhere, where we can't be reminded of anything. Where nothing horrible has happened.

"I know Harry," Louis reaches over and pats my shoulder. His way of comfort is nice, but it's nothing compared to Beth's. "Beth will be okay.....eventually."

"Yeah," I agree, "I need a favor."

Louis looks up interested with a sly grin.

"And how may I be of assistance?"

My head shakes as I check my phone confirming my appointment. "You'll see. Be ready in ten."

"Ooo s'like mission impossible. I'll be ready at eighteen hundred hours...and...break!" He leaps off of the stool and heads to his room. And I need to remind myself to ask where the others and my mum are, because I haven't seen them since I basically (I had no choice, really) threw them out.

I sigh and walk towards Beth's room. The door creaks open and a small smile creeps on my face when I see her curled up, sleeping peacefully. I'm glad she's sleeping. Honestly I'm glad she's doing something other than crying, and I know I was the one who was pushing her to let it out and what not, but after that I don't know if it was the right thing.

Her quiet breathing is calming and it's hard not to lay down and cuddle her until her heart is mended. My finger runs up and down the side of her face.

"I love you a lot-lot." I lean forward and kiss her cheek as she sighs out slowly.

"Loveyou." she mumbles.

"Shh. Sleep. I'll be back soon. Ring me if you need me." I don't know if leaving her alone is the right thing. But I'm hoping that I can help cheer her up, even if it's only a tiny bit. Maybe just enough for a small smile.
She doesn't respond. And I think she's completely asleep again.

Hopefully dreaming a better reality.

After one last look I will myself to walk and see Louis. He's typing away on his phone and then looks up.

"She okay?" Louis asks voice hesitant and small.

"She's still sleeping," I pick up my phone and tug on my jacket. "Let's go. I want to come home as soon as possible."

Louis nods and holds the door open.

I still don't know if this is a good idea, or if I'm a bigger idiot than usual.

You Have Me-- HARRY STLYESWhere stories live. Discover now