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"What did you do?!" Those are the first words that leave my mouth. It's all my mind can process as I see Lucas with a battered face, looking downward, fear etched all over his face. Beth is curled in on herself, her knees pressed tightly against her chest. "I'm going to kill you! Get the fuck away from her!" He doesn't listen.

Too many witnesses and crazed fans peering in.

Louis must of sensed that, because he's rushed forward and gripped his bicep, pulling him up and away from Beth. He's mumbling a few curse words and if it were me, he'd be on the floor knocked out again. Luckily they've kicked everyone out and the we're the only ones inside the small store.

"Baby. Baby it's me," I feel like I'm speaking to a small child who refuses to come out of the closet because someone had scared them. "Can you look at me baby? Come on, I want to see your pretty eyes." It takes a few minutes before she finally looks up. Her eyes red and swollen. There are no tears (they must've stopped before we got here) but her lip is trembling slightly. "Hi there pretty girl."

"H-Harry," she whimpers. It's sad and heartbreakingly small. "I don't...he....Lill..." She's stuttering and I really need to get her home. Away from the twitt-fuck.

"It's okay. I'm going to get you out of here okay?"

Her head shakes frantically as she scoots away. "N-no. No I don't need you to treat me like a c-child." She withdraws back to herself and presses herself closer to the wall.

"Sweetheart I'm not treating you like anything," I sigh. "But I need to get you home. We're not that far away," making me think she must of walked."Let me take care of you."

As I try to move closer she flinches and backs away--as much as the wall allows. "H-Harry." Every whimper that leaves her mouth makes me ten times sadder, and all I want to do is take her away and never come back here.

"Baby, what's wrong? Why don't you want me to help you?" There are so many things I should've asked. But I knew if I did, I'd overwhelm her.

"I do want you to help me." She moves her away from her face. "I just, I don't--Harry, everything hurts." She cries and wipes her eyes. "Everything feels like shit and I just--I just wanted to do something for myself! Something bye myself where I wouldn't have anyone look at me like--like I'm damaged or something!" She lets her knees fall and crosses them under her. "And then he," she points towards Lucas and I've decided I'm going to kill him. "He showed up and kept wanting to h-help me, and to tell me I was o-okay. But--but I'm not okay, Harry. I'm not. I don't feel okay. I feel everything but okay isn't part of that."

"I don't feel okay either," I whisper with a sigh. I sit myself down and let Beth crawl onto my lap, my arms wrapping around her middle. "I'm a bit lost. I don't know what I'm supposed to feel after something like this." I tangle my fingers in her hair. I've always loved her hair. It smelled like home and felt like silk. "I just know I love you, and that we'll get another chance--when it's supposed to happen. But right now, I need to help you get better, because you're mine." Her body feels slightly heavier as it settles against mine. Her head is resting against my shoulder.

"M'tired." She mumbles lazily. I brush the hair away from her face and kiss the top of her head.

"I've got you. Close your eyes and sleep. Always got you." I say against her hair. She nods as her eyes close and her breathing evens out.

"Where is he?" I ask Louis. Louis looks up, his bottom lip between his teeth.

"The living room. Sitting on the couch," Louis says, eyes wide and cautious. Louis doesn't agree with what I'm doing. Fuck, I don't even think it's a very wise desicion. "You'll be civil, yeah? Don't think Beth will take it well, if she wakes up to you committing murder."

"I won't hit him too hard."

"Harry I'm serious. The only way I'm letting you do this, is if you promise not to get out of control."

"I promise. Just--if Beth wakes up--distract her." If Louis isn't pleased by my outburst, he doesn't voice his concern. Instead he nods and walks inside of the room where Beth is sleeping.

It takes three minuets for me to control my thoughts. Another two minuets of promising myself, I won't commit murder.

"Why did you want to talk to me? I should be suing you! Look at what you did to my face!" In my opinion I didn't hit him hard enough, but I guess we all think differently.

"You'll heal," I snort and sit down with crossed arms.

"What do you want?" Lucas asks.

"What do you want?" I ask incredulously. "Why do you keep showing up? Why do you keep fucking around and messing up Beth's life?"

"I'm not doing anything," he says slowly, and tensely. "I've seen Beth three times, since she's been back in town. If anything--it's you who's fucking her over."

"You're a moron," I decide. "And you need to get out of her life. Leave her alone and don't fucking show up again, unless you want me to permanently rearrange your face."

"I don't think I will." He shrugged. And I knew I should've killed him when I had the chance. "I don't have to do anything."

"You're fucking asking for it," I grit out.

"You're going to push her away and I'll be waiting for her with open arms."

That's all it takes for me to lunge at him and straddle him. "She's mine! Mine, you fuck-toy!" One hit, two, three. It's not enough. It won't be enough until he stops breathing.

"You're going to looser," he sputters through the blood pouring out from his gums, "and I can't wait."

"Fuck you! She's mine!"

I can hear a gasp from behind us, immediately knowing Beth was behind us.

"Fuck Harry, what did I say?!" Louis exasperated. I can hear him running towards us, and then I feel his hands gripping around my shoulders, heaving me off of Lucas, who to my dismay is still coherent.

I shrug Louis hands away. He runs towards Lucas and helps him up. I turn towards Beth panting. "Baby," I say through haggard breath.

"He's fucking insane Beth," Lucas screeches, wiping blood from under his lip. "Come with me. I can take you away from him. I can make you happy." All I want to do is run up to him and hit him, until he can't even remember his own name.

"Beth?" I say. She looks at me with frazzled, wide eyes. I hold my hand out, my heart stopping when she only looks at it, but makes no move to grab it.

And I don't think I've ever been so afraid.

You Have Me-- HARRY STLYESWhere stories live. Discover now