Chapter 14

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Aomine Axton's POV

She have a balance between innocence and confidence, shyness and forwardness. Something I learned about her today and it kept me on my toes the whole day. She is unpredictable, and It is refreshing, surprising, and it leaves me wanting more. It has nothing to do with her body -- Okay, a little, I mean who doesn't like a good fuck? But I want her. In the sense of being entirely captivated by her way of thinking, and the way those eyes dilated when she looks at me, the way her breathing quickens, and how she always look down when she blushes.

I had expected her to push me away, or slap me out when I kissed her, but unexpectedly, she didn't. I am still trying to reason out why she didn't. Not that I didn't like it. 

"--Trust me, you'll hate tomorrow's menu!" Zed casually threw his arm on her shoulder, whilst the two of them make their way towards me-- my table. Although I know Zed treats her as a sister, it still annoyed me that she can just let herself loose whenever Zed is around. 

I watched as the two of them had plates on their hands, laughing together. They might have a longer past together, and Zed high key know her well-- but seriously, must she laugh that heartily with him? What's so funny that they have to behave that way. I forked in a piece of chicken wing that's already on my plate. 

They sat across me, with Zed beside her. "You look like you're murdering that already dead chicken" Zed eyed my plate, and back at me. His stoic face turning into a smirk. He knows, he knows what's up. That's his knowing smirk at my unhappy expression. This son of a-

"As I was saying, you'll hate lunch tomorrow. There's your number one hated vegetables - ladies finger. I bet you won't even want to know what the soup is going to be" He shook his head disapprovingly, as the two of them scrunched their nose in synchronisation. "Broccoli" She sighed, as he nodded. 

I grudgingly picked my food up and started munching on it and sat quietly while looking at the two of them sharing their common-hate-food. 

"See Aura, I know you so well" Zed spoke, his face fixed to mine, flaunting. 

Yeah, he knows her well. I get it.  Lately he's been getting on my nerves, ever since there's Aurora. 

Zed eyed me again, his smirk forming into a small smile. "Oh yeah, you guys were missing when everyone was busy preparing dinner. What were you guys up to?" Zed questioned, shifting his gaze between Aurora and I. 

"W-we were just-" Aurora started,

"Ah, no excuses. You two didn't help out, so I, as your trainer, will have to give you some punishment for that" He cut her, "Why don't the two of you stay behind after dinner and wash the plates and cutlery" He finishes.

He knows I don't do shit like that.

"You will do it right?" He looked at me. "I mean, you wouldn't let Aura do all the job by herself right? There's really a pile there, it will take her the whole night to get it clean-"

This little trouble maker. 

"Of course", I said through gritted teeth. There's no way I am going to let Aurora do all that by herself. Besides, think of the bright side. I get to spend time with her. I faked a smile, to the monkey who's already grinning. 

Mental note to myself: Deal with him later. 

Zed grinned, "Such a gentleman. Never knew you as the type to help out with that. Especially with washing" He continued grinning as Aurora just listened quietly as if this is all just the way boys talk. 


Aurora stood up, cleared her plates on the table, and started walking towards the sink area.

Now's the time.

"You monkey-" I started,

"I'm loving this!" Zed grinned.

We said at the same time. 

"Geez, Why monkey? It's a sacred animal in India. Be respectful" He started. What the fuck. "Dude, have you seen yourself? You were so tamed and-" He stated his observation excitedly. 

"Tamed?! What am I? An elephant?" I scowled.

"That, that's a sacred animal in India too" He rebutted, "Look at poor Aura now" He pointed towards her washing by the sink herself, "The lesser you argue with me, the more faster the washing can be done. The more time you have with her, can be spend in the tent" He smirked, winningly. Knowing he's right, up to a certain extent.

I can't believe I am defeated. So easily. Through the use of a girl. I picked up my plates and head towards where Aurora is, where the sight of plates and cutlery came into view -- stacked up messily, left by the people who just conveniently left it there. 

Just he wait.


Aurora Atticus's POV

"Your watch, you might want to take them off" I said, when Aomine stood beside me and started picking up the plates under running water. I mean, it looks expensive. It will be a pity if-

"Take if off for me, will you?" He offered me his arm, as his eyes fell onto me; meeting my gaze. 

My heart.... not again. Does it always have to do this every time he comes near me? My head rushes back to the memory of him kissing my cheeks, my forehead- and gosh, it was so near when he was about to kiss me on the lips earlier on.

What the hell, Aurora? Stop doing that. Stop thinking about lewd fantasy like that. 

I rushed and unclasped the watch off him. The faster it's done, the faster we can wash in peace. 


I reminded myself.

He bent down to my eye level, and his face came closer to mine before it came to a stop slightly a few centimetres away. "Thank you, Aurora" He said-- his voice raspy, but deep.

My face heated up upon his words. I never knew a 'thank you' could sound so hot and-

My heart palpated again, his eyes fixed into mine. The warm and fuzzy feeling building up..... 

I remembered my brother's words. He told me before-- that when humans feel 'warm and fuzzy' , that means they had more brain tissue in the orbitofrontal cortex, which is the area where brain processed certain pleasures. In other words, I am pleased?

What am I even pleased about? His 'thank you'? Or because of his presence?

He chuckled and smiled down at me, before he continued washing his plates. While leaving me there speechless, not knowing what I am even feeling.



I had kept this drafted for a while now, didn't know why I wasn't ready to publish this. I thought it wasn't that good~ Or was it because my expectation had went up? Or maybe i'm just starting to have writer's block? Oh no.

+120 votes for another chapter! xoxo

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