Chapter 29

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Aomine Axton's POV

"I wouldn't.." He stuttered, while I waited. A bad feeling clouded my mind. I knew that look-- that look from him where only regrets existed. "I wouldn't have developed feelings for her" He admitted.

"You what?" I scowled. 

"Well what the fuck am I supposed to do when you were gone? I couldn't ignore her! I had to be there for her because I took it as a responsibility!" Zed angrily shouted, "What I didn't expect was for that sense of responsibility gradually turning into something I want to do for her because I enjoyed being by her side" He hung his head down, "I didn't choose for it to happen!"

My chest heaved in and out, controlling the anger that's rising inside me; and the feeling of being betrayed by my own best friend. I'm this close to punching the shit out of him but after all, he is my best friend and he was there for Aurora when I wasn't. I couldn't just place the blame entirely on him.

"Aomine" He started.

"No, I need to calm down now so stay the fuck away from me" I spoke through gritted teeth.

I still couldn't believe it. I couldn't believe what I had just heard. This can't be true.

Fuck, damn it. It is true. 

Now how do I handle this situation? It's one thing to worry about getting Aurora to look at me again, but it's another to solve this matter. So much for coming back-- I am getting all sorts of presents and missions. What am I even doing? Filming the next mission impossible?


"Sir, the event will start in thirty minutes" Jeremy, the hotel manager, reported.

I inhaled one deep breath, before stepping out and readied myself for the hotel event. 


Aurora Atticus's POV

I had spent six months thinking about what I am going to say to him if I ever see him again. But certainly, this wasn't what I had expected. I never expected him to pop out of no-where and start telling me about chocolates; I never expected him to waltz back in like nothing happened. 

I imagined myself to stay calm under any circumstances but this turns out exactly the opposite way. I don't know what came over me but I couldn't stop it. I couldn't stop myself for being defensive against him; I couldn't stop it when my anger just took over. Though, I might be a little, slightly-- calmed down if his first word was 'sorry'.

But now that I think about it-- was I too harsh? Now I feel bad for saying those words.

Actually, no. Why should I? He's in the wrong.

My mind debated while I make my way to the large hall venue-- where weddings are usually held. Only this time it's for the company's annual 'birthday' celebration. 

The event started promptly at 4pm, and I took my seat beside Zed since he's been sponsoring the venue for 'camp bonding' for the past few years for this hotel and so he was invited-- which is good since I feel comfortable around him. I could never thank him enough for being by my side for the past six months. It was unbearable if it wasn't for him. 

The host/Mc, by Jeremy, our hotel manger started speaking as everyone listened and seeped on their wine and dishes specially prepared for today by the renowned chefs. Then Aomine was there..... starting his speech, his eyes fixed to mine. Yet  I couldn't face him. If it's in the past, I would have been able to just continue this 'look-into-each-other-eyes' showdown' competition but now, I just can't. I had to look away.

After his talk and some circus acts from our own hotel had ended, it's now Zed's turn to give his speech. He walked up, while Aomine walked down the stage and passed by my back-- then sit right next to me. All the while, my focus was on Zed. Because what else was I going to pretend to do?

"You've been staring at Zed since he started talking" Aomine started, and I ignored him. Sipping my wine, I grew extremely conscious of Aomine's expression that's turning a little agitated. What has even gotten into him? Did those two had a fight?

Aomine started leaning in closer to me while my face instantly gets redder. It must be the wine.. Didn't know the effect can start so fast! 

Pfft, who am I kidding. It's because he's here near me. His mouth curls up into a satisfied smirk knowing he had the effect on me. He leaned in nearer, his body touching mine-- and leans in to whisper in my ear.  "Have you kissed him?" He asked in such a direct tone that I couldn't help but almost choke on my wine. 

"Wha-what?" I spoke between coughs, wide-eyed. "Why you would even think-"

"So, have you?" He asked, still very aggressive. Why is he the one who gets to be angry, when in fact I should be the one who-

"Aurora" He said, almost as if it was a warning for me to answer him.

"Why are you even talking to me, Mr. Axton?" I half-whispered to him. "I don't think we are close enough to be speaking to each other... and everyone is watching your every move" I said, growing conscious of the surrounding. The whole company is here and there are eyes watching. I don't want to have any rumours to be around me. Not especially with him.

"What are you worried about? People speculating our relationship? Don't worry Aurora, no one here knows about.... us" He emphasised on the word 'us', and that enough was enough to aggravate me even further. How dare he uses that on him and I. There were never us. It was only almost-us.

"I believe I asked a question, Aurora. It's only appropriate for you to answer me" 

"I believe who I kissed is none of your business, Mr. Axton. Why don't you start searching up what's appropriate before you tell me what is or not appropriate" I stormed off the same time Zed finishes his speech. 

No way would I want to stay here for another minute talking to him. He just drives me insane this easily. It's frustrating.

"Aura" Zed called out and made his way towards me. "What happened?" 

"Nothing. Nothing happened" I lied, "I probably drank too much wine. So I came out for some air" 

"Well so how's the air here?" He changed the topic and I was so thankful that he did, instead of pursuing the matter even though I know he had already caught on to my lie. "It's very.... fresh" I smiled, as he did too.

"Fresh is only for the nose yeah?" He said and started removing his suit, "But it's never good for a lady to be cold" He rounded up his suit around my shoulder, covering me. 

"Such a gentleman, I must be the luckiest girl" I said, grinning up at him. But past Zed's shoulder, is where the freeze really begins. My eyes connected with Aomine, whose expression clearly tells me that I just made the wrong move. 



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