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Aurora Atticus's POV

"Take the day off today, Aurora" He pulled away after we both ran out of breath from kissing. "I have a strong urge to take you home right now and just" He licked his lips, "Embrace you" He locked his eyes with mine.

Me too, Aomine. Me too. My head agreed. But... Embrace? Embrace what? The most innocent way of just purely Hugging or that? Oh no, I must have read too much inappropriate articles on websites regarding love. I think he just meant hug. Just hug. I psyched myself. 

Oh, please. Don't lie to yourself, Aura. You know you want those butts that you accidentally touched while kissing. And gosh, look at those veins protruding out of his arms. Wait what- Oh my gosh, Child that is inappropriate! Why are you behaving this way. Are your horn dog brain cells activated again? Just why are you even debating about this in your head?

So wait, do I want just purely hug or more than that?

More, obviously!

No, just hugs. 


"Aurora?" Aomine asked and brought me back to reality again. 

"No" I rejected, "I think I will work and just find you afterwards when I'm done with work" I reasoned-- I don't want to let myself be allowed for this luxury reason just because I am his girlfriend. I am his employee after all. I don't want to get this special treatment. Not because I care about my reputation and how others might say things about me behind my back-- but simply because of my belief in this situation.  I just don't find it fair if I am allowed to get a day off simply because I have a boyfriend. 

"I'm the boss" He reminded.

"And I am never the employee who follows your order blindly, Mr. Axton" I argued. "As a boss, you have to be partial to everyone. And as a boyfriend, you just have to patiently wait until my shift is over and spent the night with me" I said confidently- which sounded wrong. "I mean- spend time together"

A sly smirk formed on his face, "I prefer the previous statement" He smiled, "And Aurora, they say patience is a virtue but you know, I don't really need that virtue right now" He continued, "Also, I would have said stop seducing me, because you are currently testing my self-control and I am walking on thin ice right now but... tonight, I will take your generous offer" 

"What?" I asked, "What offer?" I looked to him blankly. What does he even mean by that?

"Spending the night with me" He said with confidence, making me blush. Thinking about everything that could happen. Damn, Aurora. You're growing up! "I know you are stubborn but I am not the type to give up easily without putting on a fight either" He leaned in, "Want to hear something that could change your mind right now?" He whispered, sending tingles through my body.

"I-I don't think that will work, Mr. Axton" I suppressed the urge and my smiles.

"Really?" He grabbed my waist and pulled me nearer to him, "Because I am thinking of stripping you off right now- No. Not the situation where you show up in my room in your lingerie. This time, I, will be the one who strips" He touched my jacket and swing it slightly, "you off" He pulled my jacket down slightly over my shoulder, "These clothes" He taunted, and took off the jacket-- my legs muscles tightened and it quiver slightly upon his words. Why? What is happening to my body? Why am I feeling this way? Why do I feel wet down there? Oh no, is it my menstruation?  Hopefully not! Oh gosh but those words- "And I will personally turn you into a bad girl tonight" He finishes-- and I understood what he meant. Honestly, it's turning me on but, no, no no no. Don't you dare give in now, Aurora.

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