The Day She Began To Know Him

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If I had to choose between breathing and loving you. I'd use my last breath to say I love you



I felt like killing Luke. No one had ever made me as angry as him. Not even that old goat.

I felt so much resentment and hate towards Luke. I tried to stay calm I was positive this could not be good for the baby.

After the conversation with his parents. I felt some what confident. They told me not to let Luke cow me down. I should stand up to him. I was terrified of that man. To begin with I was not brave nor was I a coward.

Victoria made sure I had not a voice of my own.

Luke ruined my plan. I was to go and parade. Act like the perfect wife. A wife who was madly in love with her husband. It ended up in shouts and one jaw stinging slap. I can't believe I slapped Luke. Even more shocking he took it and left.

After punishing me with his lips.

I could not decide which was more amusing the look on his face when he saw me or when I slapped him.

The next morning Mrs Witty came in and told me I had been called upon for tea with Mrs Weather.

Just in two short weeks I would be leaving. Never to look back again.

Damn I would have to go to Luke. I sighed. There was no point in hiding he already knew how I looked.

After getting dressed I took deep breaths and knocked on Luke's drawing room door.
"Come in" he shouted

I opened the door and came in with my head held high. He looked up shocked when he saw it was me a familiar anger came back in his eyes.

Even with anger in his eyes he was still beautiful.

" I have been called upon by Mrs Weather for tea. May I go Mr Rochester?" He winced when I called him by his last name.

"You may" he said and went back to his papers.

I arrived at Mrs Weather for tea. Mrs Weather was 27 and Mr Weather 31. They had three children. Two girls and a boy. She turned out to be quite a lovely lady. She was simple and laid back and very witty and funny. I enjoyed her company very much.

"Luke and you seemed very smitten the other night" she smiled. Clearly fooled by my act to display affection on my husband.

"We are" I replied simply.

"Aren't you excited about being a mother?" She pressed.

"Very. To know that Luke and I created a life it's just beautiful" I wasn't lying. It might have not been made with love but it surely shall be loved.

"I know Luke must be overjoyed. He simply loves children. You should see him with my rascals" she looked away as if remembering a memory.

I took time to take her in really. She was short and had brown hair with brown eyes and thin lips. She was very beautiful. Her husband was almost her height with dark hair and green eyes.

BEING MARRIED TO MR ROCHESTER (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now