The Day He Was There For Her

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They promise to love you in every humanly way possible. But what they fail to tell you is when they leave they destroy you just the same.



I woke and prepared breakfast for Emily. I grew accustom to not knocking anymore. Her room was empty! Her bed neatly spread. Where was she! And her in condition. She was advised to not leave her bed. I looked through the window she was by the lake with Dimitri.

Dimitri! What the hell was he doing here. It couldn't possibly be anything good. I rushed downstairs and outside. I heard a slapping sound. I saw Emily holding her face before she swung her hand and smack Dimitri back.

"Don't you ever touch me again you pig" she shouted.

He wobbled. I reached over to him and punch him. How dear he touch Emily. He hit her. Did seeing her in pain bring pleasure to him.

His breath reeked of alcohol. He was drunk. That still didn't give him the right to hit her. My wife. Had he not brought her enough pain!

All around Emily was pain. I was sick and tired of her being in pain!

I turned to leave when I heard him.

"I will have her! Ravish her as you watched" he chuckled.

I ran over to him kicking him in the stomach. I saw a piece a wood and reached for it. I started to hit him with it mercilessly. I was consumed by rage. I was going to kill him.

His face was soaked in blood. He stopped moving. I was aware of Emily calling me. But I couldn't stop!

"Luke.. Luke.. Please stop" she was shaking me. She stop and let out a ear ripping scream. I stop and look at Emily holding her stomach in pain.

" My water broke"

I drop the piece of wood and swung Emily in bridal style. I walked briskly to the house with her.

She was a month early.

I placed her on the bed. She kept groaning I could see the pain in her eyes. I ran to Mrs Witty room and told her to go to Emily. I saddled my horse and rode all the way to the doctors house.

I was having so much mixed emotion. I was angry and scared. Scared for my unborn child and my wife.

" I.. Emily.. Baby.." I breathed out. The doctor seemed to understand and got his kit and came back with me.

I could hear Emily mild moaning from downstairs. The doctor ran upstairs and tried to close the door and told me wait outside.

I needed to be my wife's side. I pushed pass him. Emily was sweating profoundly. And moaning. Tossing her hair side to side. I felt torn inside. I could not take the pain away for her.

I walked over to the bed and held her hand. The doctor and Mrs Witty looked at me. But I gave them a stern look that I wasn't going to leave.

"Luke please leave. I can't have you seeing me like this" she said between screams.

"Your side is where I belong" I kissed her hand.

"Push" I told her. Her nails dug into my arms. Cutting my arm but I didn't care. I was sure it was far worse than what she was feeling.

"Emily I need you to take one deep breath and then push with everything you have got"

She nodded slowly.

She took the deep breath and with that she let out a scream that ripped me to the core.

The room was silent for a few seconds before the wailing began.

I walked over to the baby. It was a girl. Mrs Witty quickly took her to the next room to get her cleaned up.

I walked over to Emily and smiled.

"It's a girl" I told her

"A girl. Are you pleased?" She asked. Did she honestly think I would reject my child because of the sex.

"Of course. I secretly always wanted a daughter" I kissed her temple.

The doctor cleared his throat.

"There's one more" 


"Luke I can't" she shook her head.

"Yes you can. You are the bravest woman I know. You can do this. I'm here" took her hand once more.


We had created not one but two beautiful lives. A healthy daughter and a healthy son. Lucian Ozymandias Rochester and Elizabeth Scarlett Rochester.

A little blue eye boy with brown hair and a little chocolate eye girl with black hair.

I will never call woman the weaker sex. I thought for sure she was going to pass out from the pain but she pulled through.

She gave me two beautiful children. I will love and protect them with my life. I had to write a letter immediately to my parent to tell them the grand news.

After I was cowed from the room by Mrs Witty  saying that Emily needed to rest I ventured down the lake. Dimitri had left. I thought for sure he had died. I felt no guilt or regret for what I did.

As long as I live I promised myself that I will bring nothing but smiles and happiness to Emily.

After what she's been through she deserves to be happy.  

Could I make her happy?



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