**Alexandra's Birthday Special**

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A/N: It's February Third and you know what that means?! Oh, no I guess you don't really. It's Alexandra's birthday!! Mal's big sis needs some love so I wrote her this little special. This particular one is entirely and completely canon just so you know. It happened the year that their team went on their last mission. Sadly, I missed Chance, Lynette and Mallory's birthdays as they are earlier in the year before I marked out birthdays at all. However, there will be Soarin, Rex and Rolland specials! 
Anyway, Enjoy!! Comment your reactions if you like, I'd love to hear them!

It had been years since anyone other than her younger sister had told her happy birthday. She refused to tell her new parents exactly when it was so they couldn't celebrate it. They tried to, but she wouldn't cooperate and eventually they just stopped trying. Mallory was the only one who knew. Well, her and one other person now.

"Alexandra! Alexandra!" Jasmine caught up to Alexandra.

"Yeah, wassup?" Alexandra turned, long ponytail flipping behind her.

"You, um... You can't go in there. It's uuuhhh... forbidden right now." Jasmine pursed her lips.

Alexandra raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow and smirked. She knew Jasmine was lying. She turned to the door to their wing and looked down at her key. Then she looked at Jasmine again, who fake smiled at her. She put a hand on her waist.

"Oh really? Says who?" She challenged.

"Says... Lautrec! He's... very very angry with you." Jasmine nodded, trying to convince herself.

"Uh-huh." Alexandra turned back to the doors and swished them open. "Oh..."

"Well damn it." Jasmine cursed.

The usually cozy, comfortable, living room-like central space of their quarters had had all of its lights turned off. The only light was the orange glow from the fireplace and one solitary candle. A table had been brought in and placed next to the fire. On the table there were two plates, scattered rose petals and a vase of flowers. A beaten up old stereo was placed on the couch and a figure was messing with the buttons on it. He turned around.

"Jasmine!" He shouted, annoyed, then his face came into the light. "I told you to distract her until I was ready!"

"Rolland..." Alexandra sighed.

"Happy birthday, Lexi." Rolland smiled at her, genuinely forgetting his annoyance.

Alexandra's heart melted and she ran into his arms. He laughed and lifted her off the ground the way he always did. She smiled and put her forehead against his.

"I'll go then." Jasmine said behind her. Rolland let Alexandra down and she saw her friend wink at her before leaving.

"How did you do all of this?" She asked her boyfriend.

"That's a secret." He grinned.

"You know the candles are a definite fire hazard." She squinted at him in a way she knew was cute.

"I guess you could say I'm a bit of rebel then." He smirked. "You know chicks dig rebels?" He winked.

She snorted and pushed him away. He pulled out a chair for her. She sat.

"Oh," she sighed. "You got Gloriosa Superba." She held the petals of the gently waving flowers in her hand.

"Of course, they're your favorites." He indicated the desserts on their plates. "And I managed to make your favorite dessert, Ais Kacang. Let me tell you, you are not an easy girl to get presents for. Between the flame lilies-"

"Gloriosa Superba." Alexandra interrupted.

"and the shaved ice with," he counted on his fingers, "red beans, sweet corn, lychee fruit, green grass jelly, and evaporated milk?" He waited for Alexandra to nod and continued. "I almost just went for roses and chocolate cake."

"But you didn't." Alexandra smiled.

"Nothing but the absolute best for my girl." Rolland handed her a fork for the dessert.

Alexandra tilted her head and began eating. The shaved ice was supposed to sit on a bed of the rather exotic ingredients and be dyed to look like a rainbow tie-dye, it was kind of melting and not very well dyed. When she started eating it she noticed the red beans weren't very well cooked either. But she smiled and finished the whole thing because Rolland went to all that trouble to make it for her.

When she was completely finished Rolland guided her to the fireplace. He fiddled with the stereo for a second until it finally lit up. He sighed with relief and plugged in what looked like a small MP3 player. Alexandra smiled as the light strumming of a guitar came through the speakers.

He pulled her into what some people could call slow dancing. She tried her best to follow his lead and placed her head against his shoulder. He rested his chin on her. She was just started to think that this was the calmest she'd ever seen her teammate when he shouted.

"Oh wait!"

"There's more??" Alexandra couldn't stop herself from smiling even though her ear hurt from the sudden noise.

"I haven't even given you your present yet!" He insisted, pulling a small, thin box from a spot next to his gun on a table. "Here."

She took the sleek black box and slowly pulled the lid off. She was met with a familiar welcoming blue color. She looked up to meet the eyes of that same color.

"It's a knife." He said sheepishly.

"I know it's a knife, dummy." She looked down at the silver blade, simple and elegant. It had a comfortable black handle and twisting crossguard. Sitting like a small robin's egg in the pommel was a gorgeous glistening sapphire. "I love it."

"Happy Birthday."

"I love you!" She blurted out. She closed her eyes, not looking at Rolland's face. When she couldn't stand it any longer she turned her eyes up.

"I love you too." He said softly, and reached out a hand to her.

Alexandra grabbed the hand and pulled him into a deep hug. He squeezed her tightly but she didn't mind. She tilted up her face and looked at him.

"Do you... wanna go to my room?" She searched his eyes.

"Agent Holloway, that is most definitely against the rules." He smiled.

"Well you know what they say." She gently pulled on his arm. "Chicks dig rebels."

A/N: Thank you all for reading. I know it was cheesy but I just love them together so much. They're the sweetest couple. Yes I did write some risqué stuff at the end there but what can I say? They've been together over a year, give them a break. Anyhoodles, new chapter tomorrow. Vote if you liked it, comment, whatever else. Or don't, be a rebel.   ;)

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