Twelve: Teamwork

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A/N: Hello! I actually feel relatively good about this chapter except for a few minor doobles that I just need to change when I get around to it. So let's just jump right iiiiiiiiin~

Mallory and Lynette were extremely close the next day, whispering and talking to each other the whole day. Then they disappeared right in the middle of dinner. I wouldn't find out exactly why until they burst into the room, yelling triumphant calls and panting at eight o'clock that night. I had been sitting on my chair, of course, reading my new book. As soon as I heard them I put down the book and stood up.

"What is up with you two?" I asked. "You're being particularly sneaky today."

I noticed Lynette holding something behind her back and squinted my eyes suspiciously. The two girls exchanged grinning looks. Mallory pulled me back over to the seating area.

"So you know how we all guessed it was Afro-bratty who stole your gun?" She said.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname. "Yes."

"Well," Mallory looked at Lynette, who pulled out the object behind her back. "We got it back for you!"

Lynette held up the black and blue gun and my heart jumped. I grabbed it from her hands. It was my gun, alright. I felt the energy pulsing inside comfortingly.

"How did you get it?" I looked between Mallory and Lynette.

"Let's just say..." Mallory began.

"Us girls have our ways." Lynette winked at me.

Mallory burst out laughing. "Yeah, that's it."

I wanted to be suspicious but I was so happy to have my weapon back I didn't really care. I stroked the blue streak down the side.

"Thank you." I said to both of them.

"It wasn't a big deal." Lynette's face flushed and she rubbed her arm.

"I figured I'd repay you for..." Mallory shrugged. "You know, the last time."

I smiled slightly and nodded.

"Not needed, but thanks anyway." I looked Mallory in the eye and saw her smile.

"Soarin!" Lynette shoved herself between me and Mallory. "You should bring that back to the weapon wall."

"Oh, yeah." I nodded. "Right."

# ~ # ~ # ~ #

Weeks passed with no trouble. Our team went on running as smoothly as usual, meaning rickety but manageable. Aphrodite gave me, and the team, no more trouble than some rather accusatory glares.

Things moving fast in our little closed-off world, before I even had time to think it was time for another mock field assignment. On January twenty-first I woke up in a cold sweat. I had no idea what I was getting into but if it was anything like the last time I was correct to be nervous.

Once again the holo message was brief, "East Simulation Room #2" the same as before. I took a deep breath and headed off. I was overly aware of the sound of my room key clinking against my gun as I walked. In the Center, I grabbed a quick breakfast and ate it all before even looking at what it was. I regretted the decision as my stomach tightened and moved away from the food.

Taking purposeful steps towards the Simulation Room I accidentally bumped shoulders with somebody.

"Sorry." I mumbled, distracted.

"No problem whatsoever." A hypnotic voice answered.

I continued walking. Slowly but surely, I arrived in front of the Simulation Room again. It was the same as last time. Although to be fair, most of the Facility hallways were the same. Already standing at the ready, waving to me from just in front of the door, was Mallory.

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