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He is leaving. And I'm mad.

He can't be leaving. He said he was here to stay but he lied, because he's leaving and I am angry and hurt and I want to punch something.

My best friend is moving out because of his father's stupid job promotion and I won't be able to see him anymore.

We won't talk anymore about stinky Jimmy in the locker room and how bad he smells after gym practice. I won't hear his loud laughs echoing throughout the halls at school when I tell him a silly joke. He is the only one who understands my sense of humor; no one will ever laugh of my stupid jokes ever again... We won't sit together at lunch and trade our sandwiches when my Mom makes one that I don't like. He won't be able to protect me from Brad-the-jerk who is always tossing my books on the floor... I won't have his help with homework and I will fail all my classes and have no decent future in my life anymore...

I won't have him.

He's not going to be here for me anymore. He is leaving.

And I want to scream to the world, for being so unfair, but I swallow my anger and bite back down my tears, because I don't want him to see me breaking down.

He is as upset as I am, and he still has to deal with moving away, so I have to suck it up and bare through this crap, even though watching him pack is making me feel sick to my stomach.

But inside I'm crying and screaming and hurting, and I feel so alone, because my best friend is leaving me.


Song Video Credits: Fools by Troye Sivan

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