Chapter 10

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Hi guys, sorry for the delay in writing, I usually write more frequently. I've been busy, and I had a huge writer's block -.- Hopefully this part is okay.

I also got a bit distracted this weekend, since I write this story about a student-teacher relationship because I like a teacher myself. Well, I knew exactly what to write, but I bumped into him yesterday morning and basically forgot everything. Even my ABC :P No, not really, but I really did forget what I had to write. (Still, it's okay, as long as I got to see him :P )

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and it's not boring :)

Chapter 10- Ella's POV

I looked out of the window, thinking about how much I wanted to be home right now. Still in the car, I had yet to understand why Mr James had offered to drive me home, and to "explain". Explain what exactly? And why was he just driving, without actually speaking? Something told me that this had to do with Nathan. I turned to look at Mr James.

"Weren't you supposed to talk?" I asked, quite rudely in my opinion. With this guy, I'd learned how to be rude. I never thought I'd talk like this to a teacher. I regarded him as he drove on.

He sighed. "Yep," he said, but that was all. He didn't say anything else, but simply inched away from me, until I saw him flinching, and his face grimacing with what I assumed to be pain. I looked at him worriedly.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"What?" He glanced at me through the mirror.

"You look like you're in pain or something," I said.

He bit his lip and blinked. "Uhm, yeah I- I bumped into an easel just before I left the classroom. I think I might have a bruise."

"Oh," I said, and didn't say anything else about the topic. I didn't really believe him though. He'd been acting weird ever since I left the art room. I suddenly remembered that he'd said that a student had stopped by to talk to him. I wonder who that had been...

My head jerked sideways towards Mr James, who looked on, driving silently, hands on the steering wheel. We stopped at a red light and he took a deep breath and started tapping on the steering. Without even knowing why, my hand travelled towards his knee and rested there. His eyes shot up and he turned to look at me. He seemed to hesitate for a moment, then his hand started moving towards mine. I had started thinking that he was going to put my hand away, but when his hand touched mine, it rested on it, and he intertwined our fingers together.

Okay, this was definitely no typical teacher behaviour. He was either a flirt, or he liked me. I hoped it was the latter.

"What really happened in the art room?" I asked cautiously, my pulse quickening by his touch. The half smile that he had put on soon faded, and he looked up, realising that the traffic lights were now green. He pressed the gas pedal vigilantly and drove on with haste.

He didn't speak at first, but I could see that he was thinking about whether he should bring the subject, whatever it was, up, and talk to me about it. Finally, he took a deep breath and started talking. "I had some trouble with a student last was a lot of trouble and it was all my fault. Today he came to talk to me, and brought the subject up again," he explained, not looking at me once. "He hit me before he left."

I sat there, with my mouth hanging open, gaping at him, not believing what he had just said. "What? A student HIT you?" I asked in a horrified voice. This was unbelievable! And who was it?

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