Just Sign Here

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I skimmed through the papers and signed the back as instructed. I handed the clipboard back to the doctor with the name tag that read "tester" and awaited his further instructions. Instead I was asked a question.

"Do you understand the risks?" I nodded, more than ready to get started.

"I read through all the paperwork, yes." The tester turned back to face me, peering over the tops of his wire-rimmed glasses.

"Just because you read something doesn't mean you understand it. The simulation is untested and considered very dangerous." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure. Whatever. You guys keep saying that, but I am tired of waiting." A sad looked glimmered in the eyes of the tester, but he dropped his gaze back to his clipboard.

"In that case, I will need you to put on that jumpsuit," He pointed at a gray and red one piece suit. "and step into the room adjacent to this one. We will finish the testing and I will let the Commander know as soon as you are ready." I nodded and picked up the suit as the tester left the room. I had originally been worried about agreeing to become a part of the military's section 73, but the payment was more than worth it. After this last test, I would have enough money to put Janie through college and then some. Cooper and I could retire in that residential complex he always wanted. Just this last test and I was done.

I stepped into the room and ran my hand down along the smooth metallic walls. The mirror reflected my face back at me and I stopped, startled. My face had sunken and there were deep black circles surrounding my eyes. I reached up to feel my hair, and ended up pulling out a small chunk. These other tests must have taken more out of me than I thought. I had known the testing here was a little off book, there was no way they would get permission from the scientific community with all the restrictions on live human testing in place, but I never expected it to take quite the toll on me. I heard a quiet tap on the door and a well dressed military official stepped in gracefully.

"How are you doing today Ms. Tykes?" I dropped my hands behind my back, unsure what to do with them.

"As well as one could hope sir." The commander nodded and checked a few lines on his data pad.

"It looks as if you are ready to participate in our new simulation?"

"That was the plan." He chuckled a moment and smiled.

"If that is the case we are all ready on our end. Is there anything we should be aware of before we start? Do you have any allergies? History of awareness under anesthesia?" His eyes were glued to whatever information he was reading on his dimly lit screen.

"None that I know of." A weak smile crossed my face, but the man didn't even look up. Another assistant entered the room and gestured for me to lay down on the cold tile floor. The coldness seeped through the suit and I noticed a drain depressed into the ground. I went through a few more tests before the assistant pulled out the syringe from their pocket. The pale yellow serum made its way in my arm as the commander made his way to the door. His hand was on the door frame when he turned for one last remark.

"See you on the other side." He winked and left, the assistant following closely behind. The edges of my sight fuzzed for a moment before I sat up to see Janie laughing and spinning in the new dress I had bought her before leaving. I couldn't help but smile. I seemed to filter through many old memories not staying in one very long before the next one materialized around me. I was left of the memory of my wedding day for a few moments, watching again the smile on everyone's faces. It wasn't often that people got to see weddings. Especially after the war broke out. I heard a door slam behind me, and turned to find nothing. The memory had melted away and I was surrounded by darkness.

A chill settled around me, and I could see my breath condensing in the air just inches beyond my nose. My heartbeat sped in my chest. I clutched the weapon in my hand, stopping for a moment not able to remember picking one up. A shadow flew past in my periphery and I whirled around. Nervously stepping forward I flipped the blade around in my hand. I strained my ears and turned as soon as I heard a footstep to find myself face-to-face with the sort of monster you find in nightmares. Its fangs dripped with blood, and it only took me a split second to make a choice. The knife entered between the what I assumed was its ribs and the creature grinned as it hit the ground.

I yanked my blade from its cooling body and spun just in time to catch an outstretched claw of another horrid beast. The arm hit the ground with a thud and the creature hissed in response lunging for my head. I narrowly ducked under it, my knife slicing open its underbelly as we passed each other. It dropped to the ground and I paused, breathing hard. I heard a snarl behind me and moved to face it. A door had opened and those... those things just kept pouring out. I charged with strength I didn't know I had, thrusting and cutting through as much as I could. I was filled with a burning desire to kill every single creature in that room.

The growls turned to screeches, and the screeches turned to screams. I blinked furiously as the monster corpses around me flickered into human shapes. I dropped the blade and backed away, the darkness melting away into the cold metal room from before. I slipped in a puddle and screamed when I felt the sticky warm blood seep into the jumpsuit.

"What have I done?" I screamed into the mirror, tears running down the bloody smears on my face. The door slammed open behind me and officers streamed in wearing protective gear. The commander calmly entered in after them, careful to avoid the human bodies. I sank to the ground, horrified as my vision cleared revealing the sight around me. The commander sent two officers to me and they picked me up as I hung loosely in their arms, too shocked to speak.

"Clean this up for the next test. And take care of her would you?" The officers nodded and began moving my limp body through the pools on the ground. The commander moved to the middle of the room and began muttering to himself. "I regret to inform you... great service to her country...oh, something like that."

My mind was so full of the monstrosity I had created that I didn't even hear the gunshot.

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