Review #3 - "A Failed Assassination" by AngusEcrivain

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Angus Ecrivain, for the very first round of the Smackdown, surprised us with a very impressive short story named “A Failed Assassination”. Now, this round had to be set during Victorian time, choosing three of the given images and one mandatory picture per group, an artifact. Angus used the picture of a woman beside a fence, the Oxford arms and The Great Exhibition.

His short story tell us about the adventures of Maude and Lulu, who are at first glance only two normal well-behaved and well-born ladies. But once they hear the word “Wraith” from the mysterious Morgan, they reveal their true selves: they are spies, sent to find out what the enigmatic Miss Wraith plans to do on the “party” – The Great Exhibition. A it turns out, Miss Wraith planned to commit an assassination during the Exhibition, which was bravely prevented by both women.

Now, this story might be short, but it has the “Angus Ecrivain quality seal” all over it! First off, for those who are not familiar with Mr. Ecrivain’s work and style, he is famous for his brave, sexy and badass heroines. Every girl in the world wants to be a legitimate Angus Ecrivain’s heroine, for Heaven’s sake! And he left his own mark on a Victorian short, making the apparently innocent and dull ladies two of the most badass heroines. Who would suspect of two ladies as spies? Who would think that, under the layers of skirt and undergarments, they hid guns?!

Mr. Ecrivain also made it kind of a Historical Thriller/Action short, which made us judges very impressed. Let’s say, for the first round, it was already a promise of awesomeness coming our way.

It’s important to remark that his research was also well done. He mentioned Jane Eyre as the book one of the girls was reading, and in the end he even mentioned one of the most famous presences at the Great Exhibition, Charles Darwin. This shows how much commitment was put in the story, we appreciate it. His vocabulary was accordingly to the time, maybe a tad too daring for women, but you know what? it works for his characters. It was refreshing to read it, and the story was scored very highly because of its uniqueness, not to mention the fact that it met all the requirements for the round.

Check it out “A Failed Assassination” by AngusEcrivain! We posted the link as the external link, or you can visit his profile on the dedication above!


PS: Mr. Ecrivain is the future reigning Miss Universe, ladies and gentlemen! A round of applause! Oorah!

PS 2: Mr. Ecrivain is also well known for being the host of the Science Fiction Smackdowns, through the ForbiddenPlanet’s account. Don’t forget checking it out!

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