REVIEW #4 - "A Father's Love" by AngusEcrivain

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As Mr. Ecrivain was the First Runner-up, he gets two reviews!

The second story of his choice to be reviews was “A Father’s Love”, his entry for the third round of the Smackdown.

Now, we want to make something very clear: this round was meant to be evil. We made it Japan thematic: Sengoku Japan, giving the contestants a Japanese poem and pictures that should be used somehow in their short stories. We know Japanese Sengoku Era is commonly overlooked, so we were rejoicing with laughter and excitement.

And we’ve learnt something about Angus the day we read his entry. We learned that Angus is, deep down his heroine’s massive breasts, a sensitive, even romantic writer!

That’s right: Angus Ecrivain: a romance writer in the closet!

His story is about a paid assassin, facing his last job before retiring. He succeeds in terminating the person’s life, but then must deal with the deceased man’s followers, who discover his dead body and go after the killer.

After a brief consideration about his first “job”, the man focuses on the present situation, and caught trapped, rushes to escape. He succeeds on killing one of the two men chasing him, but the other, the older man, puts up a harder fight. The end… Oh, the end… We don’t wish to be spoilers, but Angus makes a twist on the assassination. It’s a very moving end, and really well done.

Mr. Ecrivain once again showed us an impeccable research. He went further and made sure to use the right weapons for the era in Japan. It was impressive to see the precision of the armory and their uses.

On top of that, the whole story has a really smooth flow, and an equally soft tone. It’s full of sensitiveness, and at the same time, there is a touch of wisdom and mystery. It’s so very Japan! There are no doubts that he has really gotten into the character, and the result was amazing!

This entry also scored very high in the end, because not only it met all the requirements, it also showed us a different side of Angus’ writing. It’s great to see how a writer can have a signature style, but be able to perform a different one and nail it! Well done, sir, we hail you with our katanas!

Check out AngusEcrivain’s short story “A Father’s Love” and tell him how awesome he is! Link on the external link spot up there!

If you have not yet checked Dan’s Science Fiction account ForbiddenPlanet, which hosts the SFSDs!

And, check out his other entries and stories as well! Angus is an awesome writer, you won’tbe disappointed!

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