14.The visitors

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Lina's POV

I woke up when i felt like throwing up. My morning sickness is bad. I noticed Liam sleeping on the other couch. But focus on throwing up first Lina. I rushed to the toilet and throw up whatever was left in my stomach. I placed my hand on my belly and whispered" rise and shine ba.. arghh" jeez he startled me. He just stared at my face, then at my belly.. oo..keyy thats spooky. He stand there staring without making a move. Hello.. its me.. i was wondering.. if you could make a move so that i can think my next step. Ok still no move. Owh maybe he wants to use the toilet. Yeah maybe. So i wanted to go out but he pulled me for a hug. I shivered under his touch. Is he ok? Well physically no. He hasn't shaved for days so he looks like a child kidnapper. "Are you okey? " no answer. Try again. "Is there something you want?" Quiet. You want me to punch your face and teach some sense into you? "You wanna eat?" "You wanna shut up" ok better than nothing. We stand there hugging. I was still tired but i want to be in his arms. Moment doomed because of the door bell. Who the heck is trying to disturb at this time. It was Ben. I opened the door and let the guys talk and went to make coffee.

Liam's POV

" hey man. I came from the air port as soon as i heard about it. I went for a relative's wedding in Japan. I am so sorry about your mom." He hugged me and i cried. " I miss her a lot man. She is my everything. Now it is so lonely here." Lina came with two cup of coffees. She had tears in her eyes as well. Without a word, she went upstairs. " calm down Liam. You know what, lets go out later. Shave and clean yourself. We meet at the bar as usual" " No i can't. I have to take care of Lina. She is pregnant." "Really?. I know this is not the time but congrats man. Its seems to me like she is the one who is taking care of you. You have to stay strong Liam. Look at yourself. Your mom definitely don't want to see you like this. I will come and check on you both later. I have to go now. I have some work to finish." I just nodded and hugged him once more before walking to his car and send him away. Just when i was about to lock the door another car stopped in front of the house. Ughh whats with visitors early morning like this. It was Lina's aunt and uncle.
They hugged me once they got in. " its ok dear. Stay strong. Where is Lina?" "I will go and call her aunt Rina. Please have a seat" i went to the room and Lina was sleeping on the floor. She must be tired but she have to meet them too. "Lina wake up" "nooo.. go away. I am tired." "Lina your aunt and uncle is here." She straightened herself quickly. " what are they doing here." She said annoyed. " what do you mean?" "Nothing lets go."

Lina's POV

Why are they here? My goodness. I was so annoyed and my hormones are so damn imbalance. By the time i got down, my aunt was running towards me with tears in her eyes. "Lina sweetheart. How are you? We came as soon as we heard about it" Fake again? Early morning drama. " fake tears again? Soon? Like after two days? oh yeah you were busy spending money." "Lina!!" Liam yelled. What!! " behave. This is how you treat them after they have raised you all this while. Where is your respect" " i left my respect for them at home unfortunately. And just for you to know, i raised myself not them." Ok what i just did. Liam raises his hand to slap me but was stopped by the male devil. " Liam don't you raise your hand to our baby" i felt like throwing up and i ran to the toilet and throwed up. Then i decided to make them coffee. They cannot know i am pregnant. I added salt instead of sugar and when i was halfway preparing my aunt came to the kitchen. Ughh..

Liam's POV.

Lina ran with her hand covering her mouth. I bet she wants to throw up. Ok she was really wierd. She is not the type who talks rudely to people. There must be something wrong. Her aunt excused herself to go and check on her. And her uncle went outside to answer a call. So i decided to eavesdrop what they are talking. "I am so happy to see you suffering. This is why we came here for. By the way Lina are you having a bun in the oven?" " i am not surprised by that. Your fakeness was obvious. What bun? My tummy is not an oven. Well maybe yours is.Bigger than an oven." "Your uncle should have just let Liam slap you just now. You are pregnant aren't you?" "I didn't ask him to stop Liam too. Pregnant? You two devils destroyed my life and you are asking whether i am pregnant? He had never touched me before and i bet it must be because of what you told him before the wedding. I throwed up just now because i couldn't take it when your stupid husband said 'our baby girl'. " why she wants to lie about her pregnancy? I will find out later. One thing i know her aunt is a bi***. She must have lied that day to me. When i saw them coming, I quickly ran to the living room and sit normally. Her uncle came just after that. She placed the coffee cups and sat at a corner. They both took a sip and their face changed. Whats wrong? "Is everything ok.?" "Yeah yeah. I think we need to go. We have to meet someone.." "who?? The bank officer? For more.money for your next vacation?" I glared at Lina.she keep her mouth shut and looks down." Sorry about that" "its ok Liam. We make a move first. Take care" with that they left. I went to send them away but Lina wasn't with me. Whats wrong with her?

She was not in the living room or the kitchen. Room then. Yeah she was there,crying. When she saw me, she ran to the bathroom and i followed her. Before she could lock the door i got in.

Lina's POV.

Crap he saw me crying. I ran to the bathroom but he followed and now i am trapped in the bathroom with him. "I..I want to sh..shower" i said.he pulled me closer to him and hugged me. That was so comforting and i cried. "Shushh... whats wrong? Why were you so rude to them. I heard you talking to your aunt. Why you lied to her? I want to know everything." So i told him between tears. I told him everything. From my parents' murder till the wedding. He was so furious once he heard my story. "They are devils. Your aunt met me before the wedding and told me you were after my money. She said you were in a relationship with Matthew and you cheated on him." "No.. i don't need money. All i wanted was someone to love me. And i don't know who is.Matthew. the devils never let me out of the house. I was trapped in the house for ages. I don't want them to know about the baby because then they will never stop doing something till the baby die. They want me to suffer. I can't let the baby suffer too".

After the whole story telling session, we both showered together. It was so embarrassing but he doesn't really care. He was still sad and was in deep thoughts. But i was hoping that things will get better after this.

So thats all for now. Hope you guys like it . Thanks for reading. Vote if you like it. And my update might be a but slow after this. I have to babysit my uncle's baby. But i will make sure to update more chapters. Have a nice day everyone! :)

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