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Nakamura's P.O.V

Things had been strange lately. Karma had been avoiding Nagisa for two weeks and now it was like they were even closer than before.

Karma had also become a lot more protective over the small blue haired boy. Sompting was definitely going on between them and she was going to investigate.

Hopefully they finely realised they're feelings for each other and started daping. She hoped so.

Further Korosensei had been acting strangely cheerful lately. Probably because someone in they're class hooked up. . .


She had to tell the others. But first she needed proof. . . "Time to spy on them" she thought smiling evilly.

Karma's P.O.V

He and Nagisa had been dating for two days now and those days were the best of his life. He had never been happier.

The only ones that knew were Bekky, because she wouldn't stop anointing him until he told her, and Korosensei because he was a fucking stalker.

Besides those two Him and Nagisa had agreed not to tell anyone because Nagisa was not ready to come out yet.

They were now sitting on a tree range near the school holding hands. Nagisa had his head on Karma's shoulder.

Karma kissed Nagisa on the cheek. "I love you" he wisperd in Nagisa's ear. Nagisa blushed "I love you too" he said as Karma pulled Nagisa closer.

Finally Nagisa closed the gap between them.

"I KNEW IT!!!!!" Screamed Rio smiling brightly. "You two are dating, I knew it, I knew it, I knew it" she sang.

The two males faces where a bright red. "Karma and Nagisa, sitting in a tree, (literally) K.I.S.S.I.N.G".

"Shut up" Karma said, his face still as red as a tomato.

"OMG I've got to tell Kayano" she said.
"Please don't" begged Nagisa.

"How did you find out?" Asked Karma. "That is my secret" she said and ran away.

"Well shit" said Karma.

AN it is done! I have to get dressed and go to school now T-T. I would like to thank Alien-san, myotpisabsolute and catturner7007 for voting for my story. It means a lot to me. Anyways I hope you enjoyed BAYYYY 😘

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