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Okada's P.O.V

As she walked into the classroom she saw all the girls where giggling in the corner of the room. "What's going on" she asked. Karma and Nagisa are dating" Kayano said smiling from ear to ear.

"That is amazing news" said Okada happily. "But how do you know for sure"

"Nakamura san saw them kiss" Kayano exclaimed exitedley.

"He what are you girls talking about?" Asked Isogai. And the girls were happy to tell the boys everything they heard.

Karma's P.O.V

They went to the class but didn't go in. Instead they listened to the rumour in the class. Everyone was talking about them.

"Karma, I don't want to go in" Nagisa said softly with tears welling up in his eyes. "You don't have to, we can go to my place" said Karma.

"Ok" said Nagisa. "Will you carry me" he said sticking his arms out. Karma just nodded and picked up the small boy.

Nagisa snuggled his head into Karma's shoulder and fell asleep. Karma kisses his forehead gently not to wake him up and started walking home.

--------time skip, at Karma's home---------

Karma manged to open the door with Nagisa in his arms and walked in.

"He brobro, you're home already?" Yelled the voice of his sisters from the kitchen.

"Shit, I fergot about her" he kursed.
"Wat's up with all the noise?" Asked Nagisa rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.


This made Nagisa kringe. "Don't talk so loud, he just woke up" Karma scolded her. "Sorry!" She wiper-yelled.

"Just go back to what you were doing" he said. "O right, I was making second lunch, would you guys like some too?" She asked.

"Well we didn't really eat lunch, so sure" said Nagisa who was now fully awake at the mention of food.

They all went to the kitchen and looked what Bekky was cooking. In the pan was a wired green brounish goo that didn't look safe to eat but Nagisa being hungry AF took a bite anyways.

In order not to upset his sister he took a bite as well. Seprisinngly it didn't taste half bad. So the three continued eating and chatting.

After that they went to the living room to watch a movie. When the movie was finished it was time for Nagisa to go home. Karma walked him to his house and then went back home.

AN Bekky is back! Woooo. And also I included a little extra. A doodle of Nagisa that I made in Dutch class today! Anyways I hope you enjoyed, thanks for the support! BAYYYY 😘

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