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Her vaginal muscles tightened and clenched as her moans gained volume and intensity. She was wetter, hotter and he was sure that he lost his mind a second before his balls tightened to warn him he wasn't going to be holding out much longer. He clutched her hips and rode through pleasure so intense he roared out his satisfaction. Her pussy squeezed him so tightly he collapsed over her, curling against her back, feeling more relaxed than ever.

Awareness returned when his mind began to clear of the sex-induced haze that Sadie had put him under.

"You've sealed your fate." He sighed. "You're all mine now."

Chapter 9:

Lightning flashed, illuminating the sky. The distant rumble of thunder echoed through the lush forest, rattling the window panes in all the rooms. Sadie pushed herself up to her elbows, carefully clutching the blanket to her naked form. Bleary eyed, she swept her gaze about the room as she struggled to understand what had roused her from her slumber. A low grumble brought her attention to the hulking figure laying beside her. The sight of Chieftain Balthazar's bare, muscled back brought to life the actual intensity of the situation. Inwardly berating herself, she looked about the room for something to cover herself with, spotting a jacket thrown haphazardly on the side-table adjacent to the bed, she quickly slipped out from underneath the bed and wrapped the massive jacket around herself.

Stealthily making her way to the door across the room, she winced as the door-handle creaked in protest as she gently tried to open the door and exit the room before she had to come to terms with what she'd done. Quickly yanking open the door, she stepped out and carefully closed the door behind her, hurrying to her own room. Sadie slumped against the door, letting out a sigh of relief. It was currently an hour before dawn, and she needed all the time she could get to come up with a game plan.

She knew what she'd done would have it's repercussions, but there was no use crying over spilt milk. She'd gotten herself into this mess, and she would be the one to get herself out of it. There weren't many things that could ruin relationships, but sleeping with the other person with no intentions of commitment in the future, was one of the few things that could destroy everything. People never thought or acted rationally when it came to intercourse.

"You can do this." Sadie reassured herself. She could really use a friend right about now. The wolf pack was never very welcoming of friendships between humans and wolves, and all of her friends in the city had no clue about how big of a turn her life had taken so abruptly. She had managed to survive that long, and she knew she could take whatever life threw her way, she was strong and confident in her survival abilities.

With that comforting thought in mind, Sadie grabbed a change of clothes and headed to the shower. It was time to wash away her worries. A one night stand with a man she might be able to bear for long periods of time wasn't the end of the world. She would emerge unscathed from this, she knew it.


Two hours of procrastination and one long shower later, Sadie hesitantly wandered down to the kitchen. She may be unsure on what to do, but she still had to feed herself. Food came before all.

Humming to herself, she gathered the items needed for her breakfast and seated herself in the chair facing the window, she knew that the sight of nature would calm her. The stormy grey clouds obscuring the sky cast the world outside into a peaceful light. The greenery around the cabin seemed to be brighter and thicker. Lost in thought she gazed out of the window, clutching her mug of warm tea in her hand. She knew she should put an end to this, they were both consenting adults, and it was just one night of passion. A breathtaking amount of passion that left her senses dazed and her heart missing a beat.

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