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"But you humans are weird with your customs, and I know that this stuff means a lot to you, so I am now asking you to marry me?"

Sadie let out a loud shriek and hugged him, screaming out her acceptance. That he would care so much to ask for her to marry him, merely because it was something she was used to thinking of as a part of her future.

Balthazar sheepishly spoke, "I'm sorry, I didn't have time to get a ring. I know I should have waited to make this perfect for you."

"This is perfect for me, you are perfect for me."

Chapter 17:

Sadie couldn't contain her excitement. It had been exactly one day since Balthazar had proposed to her, and she had been dying to share the news with her family; but had withheld it as she wished to tell them in person.

After an urgent message sent to all members of her admittedly small family, she know stood in front of the hospital entrance awaiting their arrival. Sadie would have liked to do this somewhere more homely and private, but with Blue still in the intensive care unit and Balthazar sleeping inside his hospital room; she had wished to be closer to both of them when she broke the news to her family.

As far as the question of her family's reception of her engagement went; she had absolutely no idea of what reaction to expect. It could either go extremely well, or disastrously horrible for her. But it was a risk she was willing to take. She would love for her family to accompany her on every step of their journey, but if need be; she was also prepared to do it without them.

A human mating with a shifter was no longer considered to be a social taboo, but a human mating with a shifter known specifically for his ferocity and brutality; would pose to be a problem in convincing her overprotective family.

Which is why she'd arranged for the jeeps to bring them straight to the hospital. Meaning she was close to Balthazar at all times. The two friends were being housed on the same floor, in rooms connected by a waiting room. Blue had been secured to her bed with strong leather straps and a metal cage had been installed around her bed; with bars as thick as both of Sadie's fists put together. Personally, Sadie felt that was an unnecessary addition, but none of the shifters including Balthazar were willing to take a chance; given the extent of her injuries, no one knew what state of mind Blue would be in. So appropriate precautions had to be taken.

The rumble of a jeep disrupted her train of thought and she shook her head as she brought herself back to reality. It was time to face the music.

A few black land cruisers pulled to a stop at the hospital entrance, her father stepped down from the passenger side. Her mother and sister following suit from the back seats. The rest of her siblings and their children poured out from the second and third cars; a total of nine people in all. The cars pulled out into the traffic and soon disappeared from view.

Taking a deep, fortifying breath Sadie mustered as much courage as she could manage, and plastered a warm, welcoming smile onto her face. Stepping forth she greeted and hugged her family and couldn't help but laugh at the tears cascading down her cheeks. She had never been one to have any sort of control over her emotions.

"How's my little princess?" Her father hugged her tight.

"I'm doing perfect," Sadie sighed, "I have some news for you all." Plastering a reassuring smile onto her face she led them inside, and stepped inside the waiting room that was connected to Balthazar's room and Blue's room on one side, before turning to face them.

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