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"We're to be married."

"To each his own, I suppose." She smirked, "Good for you, Balthazar."

"Thanks." He leaned back in his seat, "The ceremony is tomorrow." She simply raised a brow in question. "I can't wait for her to be mine; not anymore. You are to attend."


"What?" he stared at her flabbergasted, "Why not?"

"There will be people there, I don't like other people." She shrugged, Balthazar couldn't argue with that.

"What if the people stay away from you?"

"I've tried. They're like fucking leeches."

"I give you my word, just come." Balthazar sighed.

"If you insist, I will come for as long as I have to and not a moment longer."

"Deal," Balthazar smiled in contentment, all was right with his world.

A sharp pain on his forehead caused him to double over; he clutched his head in agony. Blue laughed at his misery, eyeing him with a pleased look in her eye.

"That's for thinking you can make deals and double cross me."

"Fucking hell," He growled.

"At least I didn't throw a knife."

Chapter 19:

Sadie hummed to herself as she moved about the miniscule kitchen in the guest housing. Her family members were all abed; she was currently making a soothing cup of tea for herself before she headed to bed herself. Silence reigned in the large apartment, Sadie reveled in the silence. She loved her family with all her heart, but she couldn't stand them for large amounts of time altogether. Despite herself, she found her heart longing for the seclusion Balthazar's cottage offered her.

Ever since her family had descended onto the tribe three weeks ago, she had not been able to get a single moment alone with the male of her dreams. Her very soul craved his presence; the time they did spend together was heavily monitored by her overly suspicious family members, namely her oldest brother. She knew she was of an age where she didn't have to put up with any of this, but she respected her elders deeply, and wanted their support. Balthazar was growing increasingly agitated. Try though he did, he couldn't hide how their prolonged separation was taking its toll on him. The males who practiced their sparring and fitness routines in the community gym had become the unfortunate target of his rage, most sessions ending with multiple males requiring a trip to the infirmary. Sadie couldn't stand the guilt chipping away at her soul; she was indirectly responsible for their suffering yet wouldn't do anything to alleviate their suffering. She would have turned to Blue for help in reigning in Balthazar; but she hadn't seen hide or hair of the elusive female in days.

Her mug of tea finally clasped between her chilly fingers, she headed out to the terrace that wrapped around the building, offering breathtaking views of the mountains on all sides. No one would be around; she would be able to bask in the serenity of the scenery before her without interruption. Sadie smiled to herself as she sipped the soothing beverage. A half hour passed by, the moon hid behind a thick layer of ominous grey clouds, she had barely finished half the mug before arms slid about her waist.

"What does male have to do to spend time with his female around here?" An achingly familiar voice whispered in her ear. Sadie could feel the tension drain out of her body; Balthazar pried the mug out of her stiff fingers, placed a kiss on her cheek and unceremoniously slung her over his shoulder. It took a moment for her addled wits to gather themselves, but it was a second too late. The irate chieftain had already traversed the length of the terrace and was now rounding the corner of the building.

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