Ch. 5 - The Case of the Missing Phones

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"Okay, look over your shoulder to make sure it's clear to back out. Now, slowly back out and keep your eyes looking behind you just in case a little kid- Ethan, for instance- jumped in the way and you ran over him. You don't want to run over Ethan now, do you?"

"No, I do not," Addison says confidently before letting out a shaky breath.

I smile. "Now, back out of the driveway."

Addison presses the accelerator, the car jerking back before she slams on the breaks. Speed back, jerk forward, repeat. I whip back-and-forth in the chair as she makes her way to the end of the driveway.

"How'd I do?" she asks nervously.

I put on a fake smile. "That was really good! I'd just recommend working on going slower and.. not giving people whiplash."

"Sorry," she mumbles. "I'm a horrible driver. My mom's not home enough for me to practice all the time."

"Where does your mom work?" I ask, unbuckling my seatbelt when she takes the keys out of the ignition.

"She started her own charity foundation to help kids and teens in orphanages," she says and gets out of the car. "I mean, she's doing such a good thing for those kids, but I wish she could be at home more often for her own kids."

I follow her through the garage and into the house. "Yeah, I'm sure you miss her. At least she's not blowing you off for something unimportant."

"I guess," she sighs before heading into the kitchen and grabbing something to drink.

"Ivy, I need you to drive me to the park," Jonas says as he walks into the kitchen with his soccer cleats on.

"The park is right around the corner. Why can't you just walk there?"

"A handsome boy like me should not walk alone to the park," he argues. "Do you know what kind of creeps lurk around this neighborhood in hopes of finding a kid as dumb as me to walk alone to the park?"

"This is one of the safest neighborhoods in the state, Jonas. You can walk alone to the park."

"If I die," he pauses dramatically, "it's on you."

I nod. "I'm willing to take that risk."

He shakes his head and grabs his soccer ball from the kitchen floor. "You are a cruel woman, Ivy Lynch."


He stomps out of the house, slamming the front door shut.

The phone rings, and Addison eagerly grabs it off the table. "Hello?" Her smile fades almost immediately. I'm guessing it isn't who she expected. "Here you go, Ivy."

I take the phone from her. "This is Ivy."

"Hi there. I'm aware that you are the legal guardian of the Kennedy family while Mrs. Kennedy is away on a mission trip," the smooth talking lady begins.

"Yes. May I ask who is calling?"

"I'm Melanie Holmes from Eisenhower High," she introduces. "I run the summer school class and I've noted that Elliott Kennedy hasn't shown up to any of the classes."

"I'm sorry.. Elliott is in summer school?"

"Yes, Elliott is assigned to my nine-thirty morning class Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. He hasn't attended this week. The kids are only allowed to miss three unexcused classes. If he misses another class, he'll lose his diploma and have to repeat the twelfth grade."

I nod. "I understand. I'll talk to him about it."

"Thank you. Have a nice day."

"You too," I say before hanging up.

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