Ch. 36 - Amanda Bynes Onesie

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"Here's the thing, Ivy. If you stay home tonight watching old episodes of My Super Sweet 16 by yourself, then what kind of life are you living?"

I shrug, holding a bowl of popcorn against my chest. "One where out of the two options of what to do tonight staying home and watching My Super Sweet 16 was the best choice."

"Elliott invited so many people, Ives. It's not like it's going to be just five people and one plate of cubed cheese," Flynn promises as he sits down on the couch and throws his arm over my shoulder.

"Still," I say, "I'd rather stay here in the comfort of my Amanda Bynes onesie that Jett gave to me for Christmas."

Flynn moves back and looks at my outfit, his eyes wide. "Okay...and I got a damn kazoo that doesn't even work?"

Nora smiles and rubs Flynn's shoulders. "Maybe if you were his half sister you would've gotten Games Thrones crocs.

"Adopt me?" he asks jokingly to Aunt Lucy, who just shakes her head.

"Come on, Ivy," Nora pleads. "Promise you'll stop by to be there at midnight! I'd hate for you to just sit around alone on New Year's Eve."

I sigh and tip my head back. "Fine. I'll be there at 11:59 and I'll be gone by 12:01."

"That's fine by me!" Nora says. "We better get going, Flynn. We're supposed to help with the decorations."

The two head out, Nora's heels clicking against the hardwood floor. "Bye, Ivy! See you at 11:59 sharp!"

"Bye," I call out, turning back to my show.

Jett walks downstairs and stomps right in front of the tv, his hands on his hips. I widen my eyes at his outfit choice, complete jean-on-jean attire like Justin Timberlake's 2001 AMA's look.

"Ivy, I-" He stops mid-sentence. "Excuse me, why are you laughing? Is something funny?"

I bite my lip. "No... I just... I really like that outfit, J."

"Look, it's a costume birthday party, okay? So, I need you to not give me the tude."

"I'm not giving any tude," I argue. "You're the sassy one. When is your friend's mom picking you up?"

"Well, that's why I came to grace you with my presence. I need a ride."

"Can't your aunt and uncle drop you off before they go to dinner?"

"No!" I hear Lucy sing before the door to the garage closes with a slam.

Uncle Val comes running past us, an apologetic smile on his face before he is out the doors with his wife. I sigh and sink lower into the couch.

"So, you'll drive me?"

"Fine," I mutter and stand up from the couch, shutting the tv off. "We're leaving now?"

He nods. "But first..."

"What?" I groan.

"I need a piece of paper and three markers." He stands there waiting for me to understand. "I can't just bring this present and not have a card with it! I'm going to go grab the present. Can you grab the supplies?"

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