Ch. 41 - Girlfriend-To-Be

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"The friendzone sucks, Ivy."

"Stop complaining and help me," I say, balancing on the ladder with a roll of streamers in one hand and duct tape in the other.

Elliott sighs and sets the kitchen table. "I'm just saying. Like, I've never been friendzoned so officially before."

"Can you start filling the balloons?"

"I mean, it's weird, isn't it? I've like touched your boob before. How can we be friends when I've touched your boob?" he asks in such a serious tone that I can't help but laugh.

"Can you shut up already?" I step off the ladder to admire my decoration skills before picking up the balloons from the counter and handing them to Elliott.

He takes the balloons from me. "And you think being just friends is normal?"

"Yep," I say simply and turn to fix a clumped set of streamers.

We have been decorating the house for Jonas and Jett's joined graduation party for the past two hours. Elliott quickly lost his interest in filling balloons and instead focused on annoying me.

"Oh, Ivy, this looks professional!" Mrs. Kennedy exclaims as she steps into the kitchen with Bethany in her arms. "You surely have a decorating soul."

Elliott clears his throat. "Uh, mom, where is my recognition?"

"Honey, I think we all know that you haven't done a thing all day." She pats her son on the back before winking at me.

"I don't deserve this abuse," he mutters and takes Beth from his mom. "Say, 'Elliott deserves better', Bethany. Elliott deserves better," he repeats over and over in a baby voice while walking out of the kitchen.

Mrs. Kennedy smiles and shakes her head. "Truly, Ivy, thank you for setting up the party for me. I have been swamped with phone calls. The business is really taking off."

I nod. "I'm happy to help. Jett has not stopped talking about this party for weeks."

"Jett is a sweet boy. I am so grateful Jonas has someone that special in his life," she says kindly. "I always worried that he wouldn't be able to find a solid group of friends, and I think Jett makes the perfect best friend."

"Their weirdness compliments one another," I agree.

She laughs and grabs her car keys off the ledge. "I'm going to go pick up the twins from school. Don't worry about setting up anymore. You have already done too much."

"I'll try my best to control my decorating urge," I joke.

When she leaves, I go into the family room with Elliott, Bethany, and Ethan. Elliott is on the couch with Beth in his arms. Ethan is on the floor building a block tower. I sit next to Elliott and admire the cuteness of baby Bethany...and her big brother.

"Hey, guess what Ethan remembered."

I raise an eyebrow. "That he forgot to put on his pull-ups?"

"Reasonable guess," Elliott says, though it earns him a block to the face from Ethan. "Hey! Kiddo, watch out for the baby!" Elliott yells and lifts Bethany up with straightened arms.

"I memembered," Ethan starts with a stutter, "that it's your nannying anni...anniber...anniversorry." He struggles with the word anniversary.

I smile. "And you were the one who remembered that, E?" I poke his side to make him squirm. "That is very considerate of you, buddy." I glance at Elliott who is watching his messenger carefully.

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