Chapter 16 Realization

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Chapter 16


 Do you think you can beat last chapters votes?????

(Ash POV)

Abigail and I were laughing about something Jesse said to her when he came up when I was sick last year.

“My brothers are so stupid sometimes I can imagine something like that happening,” I said still laughing I looked at Abigail and her face was red from laughing I opened my mouth to say something else but the door slammed open, Abigail and I turned around to see Gabriel her face was flushed and she was out of breath.

“Ash I found you I was looking for you everywhere ” she said breathing heavy I stood up and walked over to her quickly.

“Gabby what wrong” I asked worried even though I was still partly mad at what happened but I more worried than mad at her I grabbed her hand and sat her down in the chair.

“Aly said that you get depressed easily and then you have meaningless sex and” she said quickly I only caught Aly and meaningless sex, but once she said Aly said I knew this was going to turn out stupid Aly is stupid sometimes.

“Whoa Gabby slow down” I said crouching down in front of her she looked at me sadly

“Ok now continue” I said when she calmed down a little.

“Aly said you get depressed easily and when you are you have meaningless sex or something like that I’m sorry Ash I didn’t mean to take sides I should have listened to what you guys were talking about at lunch but I was in my own little world so I missed the part about you and the 4 weeks and I don’t want you having meaningless sex with some random girl and I” I cut her off before she could finish her rambles that didn’t make much sense in the first place.

“Gabby I’m not depressed nor am I having meaningless sex with random people.” I said she nodded and I smiled at her.

“But Aly said” I stopped her again

“Gabby there is nothing wrong,”

“Are you still mad I’m sorry I didn’t mean to” She said

“ Gabby stop ok I’m not mad at you and there is nothing to apologize for” I said smiling

When I see Aly I’m going to kill her where the hell does she come up with this stuff.

“So you aren’t mad at me,” she asked

“No you know I can’t stay mad at my favorite girl” I said grinning as she jumped into me and wrapped her arms around my neck and hugged me I hugged her back but pulled back.

“Gabby please don’t listen to Aly again she tends to over exaggerate things”
“You mean the Depression and the sex thing” she said I nodded laughing as she blushed and hid her face in my neck.

“Ash I thought she was serious I thought you were going to mess around with someone” She mumbled into my neck I laughed again.

“So you were only worried about me messing around with someone not my depression,” I said she shook her head no

 “Was someone jealous,” I said smirking she lifted her head up her face was a dark shade of red

“No I just didn’t want you to regret doing anything” she said I looked at her

“Don’t worry you’re the only girl for me” I said giving her a lopsided grin

(Gabriel POV)

I shouldn’t have said anything I still had my face buried in she in her neck

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