15|Spring Dance.

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"You care so much as though you'll bleed to death with the pain of it."
- J.K. Rowling

Bree's pov.
Aiden's coming to pick me up in one hour and I'm still doing my make up. Maria is helping me out by doing my hair. Fuck this spring dance.

I stood up as I was done with my hair and make up. "Thank you Maria, " I say as I look at my reflection in the mirror. Presentable.

I put on the dress. It is floor length red colour dress which is almost backless yet beautiful since my mom designed it.

I love you mom. I put on my heels and pick out a matching purse. I then walk down since Aiden would be here any moment.

The bell goes off. Maria opens it as I walk down the stairs. Aiden. He looked handsome. His eyes were fixed on me.

"Hey Aiden, " I say as I walk towards him.

"Hey , you look beautiful, " he says with a smile.

"Thank you. You don't look bad yourself, " I say walking out.

"Well , thank you, " he says grinning and holding out the door for me.

"Look who's being a gentle man, " I say surprised. He doesn't say anything and closes the door with a smirk.

"Ready for the fucking spring dance?" he asks me.

"Ready to see the bitches getting dumped, " I say with a smirk.

"They really didn't know what they were getting their selves into, " Aiden says as he drives. I nod in agreement.

We reach the school in ten minutes. I unbuckle myself and get out off the car. Aiden comes right up standing next to me.

"Mind walking in with me? " he asks. I giggle as he takes my hand.

"I don't mind walking in with you, " I say giggling.

"Breeeeeeee. Oh my God! You look so gorgeous, " Rachel squeals as I enter the venue. I laugh a little.

"You look better than me Rachel, " I say and she did look beautiful. I could feel people staring at me.

I look over to Aiden who's smirking. "What do you think? " he asks me.

"I think the plans working, " I reply smirking.

We have some non alcoholic drinks since alcohol was not allowed.

"Are you going to the party this weekend? " Rachel asks me.
Tomorrow night which is Saturday.

"Umm..... I'm going, " I say in a cheerful voice.

"Then I'm going too, " Rachel says in excitement.

"Would you dance with me? " someone asks and I look over to see Ricky. I roll my eyes.

"Please....." he requests.

"OKAY. Only for one song, " I say and give Rachel an assuring look.

I walk onto the dance floor and Ricky holds me by my waist.

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