20|Feeling Butterflies.

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"Love is needing someone. Love is putting up with someone's bad qualities because they somehow complete you."

Bree's pov.
"Come on Bree! Were going to be late," Aiden says over the phone.

"I'm coming ," I say as I pick my bags. He was waiting for me in his car.

I totally didn't want to go to this fucking camp but Jackson and Aiden insisted on me not missing any important stuff in my senior year.

I wave to Maria as I get out of the house. Aiden stands next to his car with a wide smile.

He comes up and pecks me on my lips before taking my bags . I decide on making a quick call to Jackson before leaving to the camp.

"Hey Kitty, " Jackson says.

"Hey Jackso, " I say as I get inside the car.

"You're leaving to the camp?" Jackson asks me.

"Yeah , Aiden just picked me up," I say .

"Take care Kitty. Be careful alright?",
Jackson says.

"I would ," I tell him in a promising tone.

"I'm happy for you, " he says.

"I'm happy too. Let's hope it lasts longer," I say and sigh.

"Don't worry Kitty. Everything's going to be alright, " he says. Aiden gets into the car and starts driving.

"Yeah, " I say.

"Call me back once you're back from your camp or whenever you get a chance . Take care, " Jackson says.

"Yeah I will Jackson. Love you . Bye, " I say with a smile.

"Love you too Bree. Bye," Jackson says and drops the call.

"I have a good feeling about this camp," Aiden says with a smirk.

"You know what , I feel the complete opposite, " I say .

"Hmmm....... I guess I'll have to make it interesting for you," he says smirking.

I smack his arm. "Get out of your dirty thoughts," I say blushing and giggling a little.

"Don't tell me you don't like it, " he says grinning. My eyes widen at his statement.

"You look so adorable when you blush," he says making me turn as red as a tomato.

"God!Stop it Aiden, " I say with a smile. He laughs at me and continues driving.

"Ricky is getting Rachel on the edge. She's been thinking a lot about him, " I say smiling.

"He's totally into her," Aiden says and nod my head in response. Just like I'm into Aiden.

I couldn't tell him that I love him cause he may not want anything more than dating from me. I'm scared of losing the relationship we have .

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