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"I can't be fixed anymore cause I'm no more broken but I'm fragmented ,"

Bree's pov.
I hear my door creak open and dig my face deeper into my pillow. It's been three days since Aiden broke up with me.

I haven't cried since then nor did I sleep or eat anything.

"Bree," I hear Ricky's voice and look up to see him.

"Please leave me alone Rick," I beg him . It's graduation day and I'm not going .

"I'm not going Rick, "I repeat again and sit up in bed.

"Bree shut up and listen to me!" He yells at me. He never behaved like this before.

"Aiden's leaving the country with his parents..." he trails off and my eyes widen.

" I spoke to him... he loves you Bree. He's leaving because of his father. His father is suffering from cancer and is going to die within two years," he says and I sit there frozen.

"Aiden promised to go with his dad and take over the family bussiness before his dad dies. His father asked him to break up with you cause he thinks you're a distraction for Aiden, " Ricky says looking at me.

"Aiden loves you Bree and is as broken as you are," he says and I get off my bed. I need to meet Aiden now.

"Where are you going? " Ricky asks me.

"I need to tell him that I love him Rick. I can't lose him no matter what," I say getting out of my room.

Ricky comes right behind me ," I'm driving you to Aiden, " he says and grabs my car keys.

I silently nod and we get out of the house. Ricky takes the driver seat and I sit in the passenger seat.

Aiden loves me.

"Ricky what time is his flight?" I ask him. I was getting impatient by every passing second .

"In an hour," he says and drives faster.

I could feel tears forming in my eyes but I blink them away.

"Thank you so much Rick, " I say and a sob escapes my lips.

"I can do anything for you guys," he says with a small smile.

My phone starts ringing. It's Jackson.

"Jackson, " I say wiping my tears away with the back of my hand.

"Kitty where are you?" He asks me.

"I'm going to Aiden. He....he loves me Jackson," I say and couldn't stop my tears from rolling down.

"Who's with you?" He asks me.

"Ricky is driving me," I say .

"Call me once you talk to him Kitty and please take care," he says with concern in his voice.

"Will do. Bye Jackson, " I say and drop the call.

One step closer.

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