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In early hours of the next morning,Sam let herself unto Katherine’s penthouse. She followed the soft music that was playing and it led her to Katherine's room. Sam opened the door and found her best friend sitting crossed leg on the floor while packing.

“Hi.” Sam said as she dropped her bag on the bed and sat next to Katherine.

“Hey.” Katherine gave Sam a tight hug and went back to packing. “I never knew I had so many clothes.”

“I'll help.” San offered and grabbed an empty suitcase. After a few moments of silence,that Sam wasn't used to when she was around Katherine, she spoke up. “You’re awfully quiet.”

Katherine looked up from her packing and sighed. “I'm just thinking.”

“Then think out loud.” She nudged her with her shoulder.

Katherine let out a small laugh at her best friend’s effort then answered. “I'm sacred Sammy. I'm fucking terrified.”

“Of what?”

“Who I'll be once this Christian guy makes me his wife. Last night I brought this handsome lad home and I couldn't even have sex with him.”

“That's a good thing!” Sam exclaimed.

“But that isn't me. I'm losing a bit of myself because of a guy I haven't even met yet. Am I even ready for marriage? I mean,I almost slept with a guy last night knowing very well that I was getting married the following day.”

“Then tell Mari that you can't marry him.” Sam suggested

“I can't. Mari took me in,treated me like her own daughter and never asked for a single thing. Now that she wants something from me, it's my duty to give it to her no matter how big it is. But I just don't know if I'm ready.”

“Where did all of this come from?”

“It just hit me once I called a cab for the lad. I took a long shower to scrub myself off,I felt disgusted with myself. Morally,I wasnt even supposed to have kissed him never mind let him into my home.”

“I love it when something in your head just shifts and you know what's wrong and what's right.” Sam said like a proud parent.Katherine looks at her with an arched eyebrow,completely unamused. “Fine. I really can't give you any good advice.”

“You are a horrible best friend.” Said Katherine, she was hoping that Sam would give her proper advice.

“I'm going to ignore that completely bogus statement. All I can say is that you should do what you think is right for you.”

“You are useless.” Katherine muttered as she went back to packing.

“So,what dress are you wearing?” Sam changed the topic.

“Remember that Swiss billionaire?” Katherine asked as she got up and went to her almost empty closet and came back with a huge white box.

“I remember him. What his name again?” Sam asked,suddenly excited about the contents of the box

“I have no idea.”

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