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CHRISTIAN walked into the house with Nick not far behind him. He took off his blazer and undid his cuffs. Today was a long day for him and Nick. The house was quiet as expected. Christian got into a rather heated argument with Sophia after Katherine left his room. Sophia left with Ellie and the girls. Sure it did bother Christian that she just left like that but he was too busy to actually fight her. He did call Ellie during the day because he wanted to speak to his girls as he really missed them. Being a father was one of the best things that has ever happened to him. Christian walked to his office and paused when he reached the door to Katherine's office. He wondered if she was in there. Christian hesitantly knocked on the door and he received no answer. He tried opening the door but it was locked. Christian wanted to talk to her, better yet he just wanted to see her. He wasn't sure if he had feelings for her but the physical attraction between them was obviously there. Christian went to his office, pored himself some whisky and sat behind his desk. A paper caught his eye as he looked for a document on his desk. He opened it and Katherine's unmistakable writing was on it.

'It wasn't a mistake. It was far from it .- Katherine'

Christian reread the note twice and gulped his whiskey down. He went to Katherine's room and found it empty. Christian was very confused about her whereabouts because he did see her car in the garage. The thought that she had gone out with friends crossed his mind as he went downstairs. Christian found Nick munching on a sandwich.
"Nick, do you know where Katherine is?" Christian asked Nick as he made a sandwich for himself.
Nick looked down at his watch then answered,
"She has already left."
"What where did she go?" Christian asked
"She didn't tell you? Oh how could she, you were busy fucking her." Nick answered with a laugh
"Nicholas." Warned Christian
"Chill mate. Katherine is in America."
"America is a very huge country Nick. Be specific." Instructed Christian in monotone.
"She's in Seattle."
"What is she doing there?"
"You guys should really try to communicate."
"I don't want relationship advice,just give me her address. I need to talk to her."
"Call her."
"The situation is too delicate for me to do it over the phone."
"So you are going to go halfway across the world just to talk to her?"
"Yes. Could you be useful and call Mark and tell him to get the plane ready. I want to leave in an hour." Christian instructed as he walked out of the room determined to talk to his wife.
"She's going to kick you out mate!" Shouted Nick as he took out his phone.

KATHERINE felt at peace in Seattle. This is where she grew up and this is where her demons  manifested. After Mari's funeral she decided to come to Seattle just to clear her mind. At first the trip was just to be alone and mourn in peace but then it also became a way for her to escape Christian. Katherine was only here for two weeks and she was going to make the best of it. She was glad that she didn't have any clients or she would have had to stay in England. Katherine got out of the shower and dried up, not bothering with her hair. She went to the closet and took out Christian's shirt. She couldn't deny the fact that it had become her favorite item of clothing. Katherine walked barefooted to the kitchen. Her mother used to adore the kitchen, her father made sure that she had the best of the best kitchen items. It was her mother's favorite place in the entire house and that is where she was shot and killed. Katherine entered the kitchen and like always the first part of it that caught her eye was were she saw her mother bleeding to death. Katherine shook off the feeling because she was too strong to let those memories control her. It was already dark outside and she knew that she had to make dinner, she hated cooking with a passion. She always hated it. Her mother had always tried to make her cook but Katherine would refuse to get near a stove. Her mother had always scolded her by saying that Katherine had to learn how to cook because she was going to cook for her husband. The comment had always made Katherine scoff and glare at her mother and her answer was always,
'He is going to marry me because he loves me, not because I can cook. If he wants food he will do it himself or we will be that couple that always orders out. '
Till this day Katherine still felt the same way. She was glad that Christian had a housekeeper and the others wives. Katherine would rather be trying to prove that a clearly guilty person was innocent than be in the kitchen. But over the years, she had to learn how to cook. Katherine was in the process of making a simple dinner, when the doorbell rang. Katherine walked slowly to the door and before she opened it, she looked down at her outfit. Just a shirt that barely reached mid thigh. She shrugged and opened the door.
"Christian." She whisper as she saw him standing at her door.
"You shouldn't answer the door looking like that." Said Christian as he took in her appearance.
"I can take care of myself." She answers which made Christian laugh
"Oh really how,are you going to scream and beg for the intruder to leave you alone?" He asked with another laugh.
Katherine closed the door slightly, lifted the picture that was on the wall and took out the item she wanted.
"No, I'm going to do this." She said and Christian's laugh died down as he saw his wife pointing a gun a him.
"If you came here to insult me in my own home, I suggest you leave right now."
"Katherine I can't talk with you pointing a gun at me. Put it away before we have any accidents."
"Christian don't talk to me like I don't know how to use this. I'm not an idiot." Katherine said and put the gun back in its original place. There were more guns around the house. It made Katherine feel safe.
"What do you want?" She asked still not letting him in
"I want three things" He answered as he stepped closer towards her
"Which are?"
"I want to talk to you. I want you. I want to peel my shirt off you"
"Was that supposed to make me blush uncontrollably? Make me pull you in for a kiss and drag you to my bedroom? There is only one thing that you can do and that is talk to me. So come in and say your piece and get out." She said and walked into the kitchen, really irritated that he would try to seduce her.
"I found your note." He said as he stood next to her as she made dinner.
"So?" Katherine asked with no concern in her voice but inside she was nervous about what he would think about what she wrote.
"I am not going to beat around the bush Katherine. You want me, and I want you..."
"I'm not going to lie and say that is not true. But what ate we going to do about it Christian? Nothing. Whatever this is or was, was just a one time thing."
"Are you sure about that?" Christian asked as he pinned her to the fridge
"Pretty sure Christian. I won't deny that there is a strong physical attraction between us, but what can we do about it? You are a married man." Katherine stated
"I am married to you." Christian said as one of his arms went around her waist
"And two other women Christian. We already had this conversation."
"So what about the other night?" He asked as she pushed him away from her and went back to cooking.
"The other night was, well...nice" Katherine answered with a shrug.
"Just nice?" Christian asked offended.
"What do you want me to say Christian? Sex with you was astounding, breathtaking, sensational,phenomenal...should I continue?" Katherine asked as she switched off all the appliances and started dishing up. Christian walled up to her and pinned her to the counter and lifted her onto it. Katherine responded by wrapping her legs around him.
"Why don't I change that 'nice' to extraordinary" Christian said and carried her to the bedroom.

"WAS that nice?" Asked Christian as he laid in bed next to Katherine, tangled in sheets.
"I don't know." She answered lazily.
"I'm sure next time you won't deny how amazing it was"
"Who said there was going to be a next time?" Katherine asked as she looked at him.
"Well, I think we should have a next time." Christian replied.
"No thank you, I'm good."
"We should give whatever this is a shot." Christian stated and made Katherine stop running her hand through his thick locks
"How can we give it a shot, if we don't know what it is?"
"We could find out."
"What this is right now is just sex. No it's just fucking. What could happen next is roses,dates, feelings and all that shit." Katherine said as she sat up on the bed, not bothering to cover her breasts up.
"And what's wrong with that?" He asked as he mimicked her actions.
"I don't do roses and feelings Christian. I way past that stage. And if I was willing to do that, I wouldn't even think of doing it with you."
"Christian I think you should get a tattoo that says 'Katherine doesn't share!', because I am tired of telling you. I don't share."
"So the only problem is that I have other wives?"
"Yeah, pretty much."
"What's so wrong about it? I will still have time for you, even if there's Sophia and Ellie." Christian tried to reason.
"If you didn't marry every single woman you thought you loved, than maybe I would give whatever this is a shot." Katherine said and got out of bed.
"Don't you dare question my love for Sophia and Ellie." Instructed Christian as he got out of bed too.
"I can't help but question it Christian. If you love Sophia as much as you claim you love her,then you wouldn't have fallen for Ellie and if you love Ellie that much then you would have just fucked me. And if you really love them, then you wouldn't have wanted to give us a shot." Katherine said and Christian's expression changed.
"Don't you dare Katherine. Don't you fucking dare!" Exclaimed Christian
"The truth hurts doesn't it Christian. It hurts like a fucking bitch. I will not stand being put in the same position as your wives"
"Don't fucking compare yourself to them. You are nothing compared to them. Nothing! Whatever this is, is pathetic compared to the love I have for my wives."
"You know what? Fuck this. I'm tired of you insulting me. I will take a shower and leave and when I come back from wherever I'm going, I want your sorry, pathetic ass gone." Katherine said angrily and walked to the bathroom
"Wait, are you kicking me out?"
"No dear husband, I'm kindly asking you to go to hell." Katherine said
"Where are you going?" Asked Christian
"None of your fucking business."
Katherine walked into the bathroom and leaned against the shut door. She was tired of how things were with Christian. They fucked and argued. Whatever was going on between them also confused her. Katherine wasn't sure about how she felt about Christian, but whatever it is she didn't like it. She got into the shower and  scrubbed him off her even though part of her didn't want to. When Katherine exited the bathroom Christian wasn't in the bedroom. The house fell silent and she knew he was gone.

This update is earlier than I promised but it's raining outside and I love writing when it's raining. Weird, I know
I'm not confident about this chapter but I had stupid fucking writers block and this is the best I can come up with in my current state.
So @rhon671 gave me a great idea that I absolutely love but the story is planned out and I absolutely hate change. But thanks for the awesome idea.
Thanks for all the comments, votes and follows.

And have a fucking awesome day

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