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I wake up with a brutal headache. I figure that it's between two things, which are: I have a hangover or I finally remember what happened between Christian and I. I would prefer the headache but I know that it's both things. I should really stop drinking, if it leads me to doing such stupid things. How could I tell Christian about my parents' killers? Only people really close to me know about my dark past and it is quite a few people. With all the shit I have been through,I learnt to keep a close guard on my past. And as the years went by, my past got darker and my demons grew. I can't even begin to fathom why I told Christian, I feel so idiotic. Getting tired of regretting what I did, I get out of bed. As I stand up, pain shoots through my body straight to my head. I love the liquor but I absolutely hate the after effects but that has never stopped me from drinking and having a good time. I sit down and my door opens.
"Morning Kitty Kat!" Shouts Nick as he enters. What surprises me the most is that I was drinking with him last night but he looks absolutely fine with no hangover whatsoever. His loud voice makes the pain in my head twice as painful
"Suhhh. Use your inside voice Nick. You may be able to get over a hangover quickly but it takes time for me" I inform him quietly as I notice a small smile on his face.
"I'll get you some pills" He says as he makes his way to the bathroom. Nick comes back with a glass of water and pills. He hands them to me and the glass. I pop the pills into my mouth and gulp down the water. When I finish the water I place the glass on the bedside table and rub my aching headache with my index fingers. As I have a few flashbacks of that Sunday, my headache worsens.
"Are you okay Kat? You have gone a bit pale" States Nick
"I remember everything Nick and I don't like one bit of it." I say as I lay on the bed
"Everything?" Asks Nick
"Every single fucked up moment"
"It's surprising how you were able to piece the death of Anabelle like that. " Compliments Nick
"I know I should have kept it to myself then Christian wouldn't have provoked me and I wouldn't have told him all the shit I did"
"You know, Christian didn't really tell me what you told him. I don't know the last part. He had that even though he was angry at you, he felt like what you told him should was not to be repeated without your consent." His words make lift my head to look at him, which I unfortunately do too quickly and it triggers another blot of pain. I lay my head on the comfortable black duvet.
"I would love to tell you what I stupidly said but it's just so..." I pause as I try to find the proper word "dark ." I complete as I finally settle on a word.
"It's fine. I don't want to probe around your past. Anyway, I remember why I'm here, Christian told me to tell you that Sofia's parents are coming to visit today and he would like you to show up and behave. He told me to emphasis on the word behave" Says Nick
"I was planning on sleeping this headache away then going to visit Mari"
"Well then suck it up because Sophia's parents apparently want to see you" Says Nick
"Are they bitchy as their daughter?" I ask as I slowly lift my head and get up. Thanks to the help of the pills, the pain is slowly subsiding.
" Now why would I want to spoil the surprise?"Asks Nick as he lets out a small laugh
"I'm not coming then, I will be stuck in my office the entire day" I reply as I think back to my birthday present.
"Oh the office. I have to say, it looks pretty nice considering the fact that he had done it for a person whom he furious at" Says Nick as his phone pings indicating a message. He reads it then returns a quick reply
"Christian, as impatient as always. That was him sending me a message telling me to inform you that the parents are coming in two hours. So be ready in an hour" Says Nick. He bids me goodbye and leaves the room but not without telling me to behave. I promise to behave and to seal the deal, I give him a huge grin. Problem is, I am known for not keeping promises. After Nick leaves, I freshen up and get dressed in black jeans and a white shirt. I realise that since I'm not going to visit Mari, I might as well call her. I ring her and after two rings, she answers.
"Morning Mari. How are you?"
"I'm good dear" she answers in a hoarse voice. She sounds tired and it really makes me worry
"What's wrong Mari? You sound really bad"
"Oh it's nothing, I just had a tough night" Mari says as she releases another cough
"Mari I wasn't going to be able to make it today because Sophia's parents are coming over and want to see me but you sound horrible, I'm coming over right now" I say urgently and walk quickly to my bed to get my bag.
"No dear, stay. I'm fine, you can see me tomorrow. Now Sophia's parents huh?" She questions with a dry laugh that turns into a cough
"Yeah, I don't know what they want from me but Christian told me to behave. Are they nice people?" I ask
"I wouldn't say nice but hy, you will see for yourself." She says as I notice the time and see that I have thirty minutes to get downstairs.
"Oh Mari, I will see you tomorrow. I have to go" I bid her goodbye and promise to see her tomorrow and promises made to Mari by me are always kept. I leave my room and go to the kitchen and get breakfast. Laura is rushing around the kitchen and dining room as I sit on the countertop and have my breakfast. After breakfast, I make my way to the lounge and I find the girls playing with dolls
"Hy girls. Where are your parents?" I ask as I take in the deserted lounge
"They are outside. Grandma and grandpa just arrived Kitty Kat" Answers Ana as I hear the door open behind me.
"Where are my beautiful grandkids?" I hear a womanly voice so I assume it's Sophia's mom. I take a seat on the sofa and watch them as they hug each other. It is very interesting to see how Sophia's parents regarded Kayla as their grandchild even though they aren't related. After greetings, their attention falls onto me.
"You must be Katherine?" Asks a man whom I assume is Sophia's father. I stand up and shake his hand. He has a strong grip but I have a stronger one.
"Ian Jacobs and my wife is Ashely "
"Hy Ian, Ashely, I'm Katherine" I reply with a smile.
"We already know who you are and it's Mr and Mrs Jacobs to you" He replays so harshly I'm taken aback. I look at Christian with a surprised look and in turn he says
"Okay, let's take a seat" He leads the way and takes a seat with Sophia and Ellie on his both sides. Mr and Mrs Jacobs sit on the long sofa with Kayla and Ana and I sit on the small sofa alone. During the conversation, I try to add my opinion on what they are saying but they just keeping talking over me like I'm not even there.
'I should have just went to see Mari' I think as I feel a vibration in my pocket and my ringtone starts playing making everyone swift their attention on me. I look at the caller ID and see 'Simon' flashing. Simon is another one of my many,many guy friends. I have so many guy friends, it's freaky but I just find them easier to hang with I smile and get up,not even bothering to excuse myself.
"She has no manners, she doesn't even bother excusing herself. Didn't her parents teach her any manners?" I hear Mrs Jacobs comment. I want to turn around and answer her but I have to answer Simon. I walk into the kitchen and answer the call
"Hy mate" Says Simon
"Hy Simon, what's up?" I ask as I lean against the counter and images from the other nights flash through my head
"The mates and I are going out, they said I should ask you to come."
"I would love to come with but unfortunately I am busy at the moment but we can do something later." I decline. The always bitchy side of me wants to leave this house and go out with my friends but I promised to behave.
"Oh, what a shame,we really wanted you to come with. It was gonna be so much fun."
"Don't rub it in my face Simon." I say with a small laugh
"Bye Kat. I have to go"
"Bye Simon" He clicks off and I'm about to return to the lounge when I find Mr Jacobs standing in the kitchen door, preventing me from passing.
"Listen her little girl, I won't let you come into my daughter's house and disrespect her like you have done for the last few months. Sophia is the first wife, she has more power over you and Christian loves her more than he will ever love you. You are the third wife, you have no power whatsoever in this house. Christian may enjoy you at the moment but he will get over you very shortly and go back to my daughter. You may think you have some sort of power over everyone in this house because Mari loves you and made Christian marry you, but you don't. I know you tricked Christian into marrying you by using his mother, Sophia told me, but Mari is not here now is she? She is in hospital, she can't tell Christian what to do. I don't want to have my daughter call me, crying, telling me that you have disrespected her and Ellie. It seems like you don't know your place in this house so I will tell you, you are nothing in this house okay, a low rank, you may be married to Christian but my daughter will always hold the key to his heart" Mr Jacobs said as he finishes attacking me. His word leave my blood boiling. He looks at me like he was expecting me to break into tears well unfortunately for him I don't do that shit.
"Are you done Ian?" I ask and he stays silent "Okay. Firstly I don't need your 'How to be a sister wife 101' lesson. Secondly, tell that pathetic excuse of a hypocritical daughter you have to get her facts straight before she tells you shit she is not sure of herself. I never tricked Christian into marrying me, your daughter might be low enough to do that but I'm not. Thirdly, where does Ellie fit into the equation if Sophia 'holds the key to Christian's heart'? And fourthly, tell your daughter that if she has something to say to me, she should say it to me herself not her father. You know what Ian? I'll tell her myself" I reply in utter rage and walk out of the kitchen. The girls aren't there when I arrive in the lounge which I'm grateful for because I know I am about to say some bad things.
"Sophia if you have something to fucking say to me, say it to my face and don't make daddy stand up for you. I will not be disrespected in my own home. You better fuck off Sophia." I confront her as I step closer to her. Christian blocks me from reaching her
"What is going on?" Asks Christian
"Ask your precious wife" I respond. He turns to Sophia and asks her the same question to which she replies
"I don't know a thing she is talking about"
"Didn't you send your father to insult me in the kitchen?" I ask angrily as I look at her over Christian's shoulder
"What is she talking about Sophia?" Christian asks and Sophia stays silent. Christian turns to me looking for answers
"Ian here came to the kitchen after I had finished my phone call with Simon and he started insulting me. He even had the audacity to include Mari in the conversation." I say angrily. Christian must understand now that Mari is not a line to be crossed. I whisper into Christian's ear, making sure that no one hears me and making sure that he gets the complete meaning of my threat.
"Put a leash on your wife Christian, or I will do it myself. I'm sure you don't want your daughter growing up without a mother,now would you? You very well what I'm capable of"
His faces changes as I see evident understanding on his face. His eyes change into a dark,dangerous green,like from the other night. His eyes would have made someone cower away,but not me. I stand firmly, locking gazes with him, challenging him. Christian's eyes never leaves mine as he instructs,
"What?" I ask in utter surprise. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Christian would never take my side.
"Yes tell her to apologise Christian. She doesn't rule this house" Says Ian. Christian repeats himself again,his gaze still on mine
"Apologise to Katherine Ian."
"What?" Asks a confused Ian
"Apologise to Katherine Ian for insulting her and for involving my mother in your conversation." Demands Christian as his gaze finally leaves mine.
"I will only apologise for talking about Mari but I won't apologise for telling Katherine the truth" Says Ian confidentially
"Then leave." I instruct
"What? You can't tell me what to do."
"You heard my wife Ian, if you don't apologise this instinct then you can leave."
"Christian are you really taking her side and kicking my father out?" Asks an enraged Sophia
"Sophia! I will not have disrespect in this house." Answers Christian
"Now apologise Ian." He repeats
"I'm sorry Katherine." Ian says with a huge sigh showing defeat. His phone rings and he excuses himself with his wife not far behind.
"Now who is this Simon?" Asks Christian
"Oh come on! This really now,again?" I ask in disbelief
"Yes." He answers simply
"Just a friend." I reply
"Just like Marty?" He asks
"No Christian..." My sentence is cut short by Ian coming back into the room with a huge smile. He sure is bipolar.
"Christian if you don't mind, I had a friend who wanted to visit me today but I already had plans today which were my being here. So I asked him to come over here with his wife. He could also see Sophia. Is it fine with you?" Asks Ian
"Sure Ian. It's not a problem. Ellie could you tell Laura to make extra space at the table. Two to be exact." Instructs Christian and Ellie walks to the kitchen to do as she has been told. I draw Christian attention as I want to tell him the troubling news concerning Mari.
"Christian, I wouldn't have had a problem with Ian talking about Mari but I'm really worried about her." His face shows that of concern as he digests the news.
"What's wrong with my mother?"
" I was going to visit her today but I couldn't since Sophia's parents are here. I decided to call her and she sounded bad. She claimed to have had a bad night, but her voice sounded hoarse and she was coughing nonstop. I'm worried Christian" I explain with concern and unsettlement
Christian's expression mirrors mine, worry. Mari is the only thing we worry about and something we can agree on. We both care about her deeply and Mari is our only common ground.
"Let me guess, she claimed that she was doing perfectly fine?" Asks Christian even though he already knows the answer. Mari is a hardheaded and she won't allow people she loves to worry about her health if she feels it isn't serious.
"You don't even have to ask." I reply
"I will see her tomorrow." He says as the doorbell rings and Ian rushes over to the door with his wife and Sophia behind him. I hear loud greetings and very familiar voices that I don't take notice of.
"Logan, Kim I have missed you so much. It's been years since I have seen you." Exclaims Sophia as they enter the living room. My eyes are still glued on Christian's.
"We missed you too Sophia it's been too long." Replies the woman. Her voice makes me tear my gaze from Christian and look at her. My eyes land on the couple as they both look at me. A huge smile makes its way onto my face as I recognise the other most important people in my life.
"Katherine!" Shouts Kim. I rush over to her and give her a hug, the tightest one i can muster up. All the feeling of love just washes over me as I stand I'm front of one of the women who had been there for me as I transformed from a mere but disturbed teenager into a woman.
"Katherine" Says Logan, the man who I considered a father. I give him a hug, trying to pour all the emotions I  have felt since I saw them, about a year ago, into the hug.
"You didn't visit for Christmas" Scolds Logan with a whisper of a smile
"I was busy, but I did call. I wish I could have made it though." I reply
"Logan leave the child alone. She was busy, didn't you hear that?" Says Kim as she playfully smacks her husband's chest. The room is dead silent as they watch our exchange.
"But dear you work yourself too hard. I didn't rise a workaholic" Kim scolds me in the place of her husband but this time it's not a joke. I can see that she is serious.
"I don't work too hard Kim. I love my job" I defend
"How do you know each other?" Interrupts Ashley. I look at Logan, looks back at me. I know he wants to know who between us will explain our relationship. I give him a smile indicating that he can go ahead.
"Well, Kat here was, and still is, a close friend of Harry's. She meet him at school after we moved and they became very close friends. Harry brought her home one day and we instantly fell in love with her. She even has a room in our house as she was often there. Kat is like a daughter to us." Explains Logan.
Like Logan,Kim and Mari;I have had a lot of people who have been there with me as I grew up.
"What are you doing here?" Asks Logan as his protective side comes out.
"I'll explain later." I end the conversation before it even starts
"Lunch is ready." States Laura as she comes out of the kitchen.
Everyone walks to the dining room and I take a seat next to Logan and with Sophia directly across me, shooting glares at me.

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