Chapter 11- Grandfather

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Chapter 11-

Bryces p.o.v

We have looked every where for my beautiful mate but its like she disappeared into thin air.

All I want is a happy life with my mate is that to much to ask? Well I guess I asked for this I pretty much rejected her and now I want her back. Man I'm fucked up.

We have looked everywhere we had the king look in the ocean and the other king was so 'worried' that he let us search his land two. nothing.

I still have a strong feeling that they have my mate just because they had there eyes set on her in the first place.

I walked around my room well more like paced around my room, I cant stand the thought of her being mated to another.

Jake. which I learned is one of her bothers, ran up to my room with worry written all over his face. He handed my a note and there was a booming voice down stairs.

"Jake Garrot Curk" The man yelled in a scolding voice. Jake whimpered and ran out of my room and back down the stairs to the man.

I read the note and what it said really shocked me.

Dear Alpha Bryce,

You see I have you mate, she is a lovely one. My son loves her very much also. We told her a story because it seems that your little mate suffers from short term memory lose.

We have advised her that you have died at the hands of her father and that your dieing wish is for her to marry and mate my son. She agreed but only for her mates last wish.


Seems you'll never know.

"Mate,mate" my wolf called in desperation.

She agreed the words that seemed to stick in my head.

Why would she agree if she rembers me, maybe she doesn't, maybe she does. What if everything on this piece of paper is true? I cant let this happen this will happen over my dead body.

I walked over to the door and pulled it open angrily only to be faced with an equally angry king at my door ,im my face.

"Give me that" he hissed. I handed it to him and sat there fuming in my own anger as he read the newly found note.

"What it with this guy and notes?" he asked under his breath. I honestly couldn't agree more.

He looked back at me "You better find my daughter or so help me god I will kill you so fast that" I cut him off by telling him that I will find my mate, his daughter.

I looked out the window and ran down the stairs and went back into the forest shifting and running into the woods, trying to find my mates scent.

I smelled for hours.. till it got dark. I walked into the house and noticed a not on my door.

"Go to the dungeons" I sighed and walked down the stairs to be greeted with yelling and screaming then pain filled screams.

I went to the room where it was coming from and there stood my mates father and brother, even my beta.

"This is king Eric's father, helped him plan the kidnapping of my daughter and will not tell me what he knows" the king spat in the mans face.

"Ha! that girl will rule with my grandson just like I always wanted... a powerful leader and you are not Strong enough for her boy, mutt!" he spat the words at me like I was some horrible person.

"How long have you been at this?" I asked. They looked so tired and done with this man who was not doing then any good.

This man already looked dead, he had cuts and gashes all over his body and he is black and blue from the head to toe.

"4 hours" they told me. I nodded. "Let him heal then we will do this again in the morning" I told then and they nodded leaving the room.

The man looked at me with 3 raw emotions Fear, Desperation, and regret.


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