3 | Intimate

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[the chapter is a bit *cough*kinky*cough*]

3 :: Intimate

Madeline Joseph and Edan Mathews had become close in a matter of days. Maybe it was the fact that the both of them were literary artists in a group of wild youngsters or the fact that both of them lived in a completely different world which had somehow aligned with each other in unsaid words, whatever it was, Madeline and Edan were close nevertheless.

It had started from stealing quick glimpses and forwarded by meeting at sunrises and escalated at midnight when they got together to breathe in each other's words and now had gained momentum in each other's arms.

There was one question that would always revolve around in Madeline's mind, where was the poet his whole life and why hadn't he met her before because if there was one thing that Madeline was absolutely certain about was that she had never been as free as when she was with Edan. Edan's words connected with her mind and in a world where alphabets were jumbled, his would make complete sense.

She shifted herself closer into his arms as she thought about loving him, it was the most easiest thing to do and while she easily fit in his arms she could also see her life fitting in its place finally. Everything was settling, she was a writer, she was a friend, a sister and a daughter and now finally, an almost lover.

"I am so glad we met that day, if it hadn't been for the book launch I'd still be wandering off without you." Edan murmured as he ran his hands in her hair. Madeline loved how it felt and she loved how it felt when he spoke. It was untrue when people said that men couldn't ever be what we read in books, because Edan was. He definitely was.

Maybe it was because he was a poet but when Edan spoke, he spoke from his heart and only a true gentleman could ever speak like the way he did. He was the most passionate man she had ever met and she was glad and graced that she was fortunate enough that their destinies had crossed ways.

"I am glad too." Madeline finally replied as her eyes shut from exhaustion of the day and sensation of his touch.

Their cheeks rubbed together and Madeline was almost tickled by his stubble when she resisted the urge to giggle. Instead, she just smiled warmly.

Edan kissed her ear and trailed to her neck. Madeline's breath was heavy, his touch alone was enough to send a zillion bolts of electricity throughout her body and this, this was making her crazy and Edan knew this because he teased her more and bit her neck moving on to nibbling her ears.

"I wonder what happened to that girl." He murmured as he kissed her on her nose.

Madeline couldn't take it any longer, she centred herself on him and kissed him intensely, "Which girl?" She asked short of breath.

Edan was aroused by her intensity of passion, it took him a moment to remember what he had earlier talked about. "That girl...in Flake." They rolled on the bed, their bodies tangled with each other's. Madeline had never ever felt this way, this was new and she liked it, she liked exploring it and so she did. Her hands clutched a chunk of his hair and his hands tightly wrapped around her timid waist.

"What about her?" Madeline managed to ask somewhere between their heavy breaths and kisses.

Edan couldn't contain himself anymore, he hastened to unbutton her shirt swiftly pressing his hands on her chest and exploring every curve and feature of her body, "What happened after she saw the new day, whether she got her happy ending or not." He said as he kissed her below her neck and down and down until his hands lingered on her waist line.

"She did." Madeline whispered as arousal completely overtook her mind. She pulled his shirt up his neck and felt his body like it were a painting. "She did, she became a writer." She whispered as she kissed him on his neck. "Her book became famous." She continued as she kissed his collarbone, "She found a man." She murmured breathing hard on his chest, "And she was falling in love." She said as she looked up in his eyes while he displayed a thousand-million emotions through them.

He kissed her everywhere he could and then spoke up, "You are her." It was all he said and she nodded and they knew it was time to fully connect and Madeline  Joseph and Edan Mathews could see each other's desires coming true, not a word spoken about the secret which was disclosed in a lovers nest.

Funny thing it was, destiny. It could bring together the most loneliest souls in the world and make them the most loved. So maybe everything in the world happened for a reason. You went through extreme pain to experience extreme happiness to the fullest because you knew it's worth. Maybe it was why Madeline was able to cherish this happiness with full zest. She had been through low, she had lingered in the medium and she had now reached the pinnacle too.

When it was almost dawn Edan kissed her forehead and she smiled, her body tangled into his.

"I have to give you something." He said, his voice nothing but sincere.

Madeline nodded and he got up as she sat pulling the sheets to her bare chest. The candle that they had lit last night was almost out of wax yet it still lit. A reminder that no matter how much your life had gone by you were still going to have days to live and they were going to be beautiful days until you would reach your final abode.

Edan was back soon with a medium sized hand made notebook with jagged edges and pages yellowed with time. There were some papers peeping through the binder bunch and a few leafs peeping out from between pages. He handed it to Madeline carefully and sat at the bed taking her into his arms.

"Promise me something." He whispered.


"You will only read this when it's time." He said as he kissed her urgently as if he didn't have time. As of he were rushing and he had to  keep promises and take some before leaving.

Madeline paused, "And when will I know it's time." She said short of breath.

"You'll know."

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