Chapter 6

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"So I think we're at the point where last names should be given." Lauren told Camila in a playful tone

It was the day after she had given the younger girl the bracelet. To say Camila liked it was an understatement, once she had found her best friend, she couldn't stop gushing about the gift. She was very much in love with it and that was excellent news to Lauren once she over heard their conversation.

"Is that so?" Camila replied in the same tone.


The girls stood smiling at each other for what seemed like ages. With each day passing by, the alpha was starting to have difficulties controlling herself when it came to her mate. With Camila, she always wanted to be near Lauren, or wanting to have physical contact, anything really. Also she's been noticing that her body temperature has gone up and she's always hot, just how she felt Lauren's skin the other day.

"Well I'll tell you mine if you tell me yours."

"I proposed it, so you go first."

The brunette rolled her eyes playfully, "Fine, Grey. Camila Grey"

"Were black and white taken?" Lauren teased

Camila smiled at this, "Shut up, ask my parents."

"Tell me about your parents."

"Oh we're getting serious real fast." The brunette joked.

"Maybe." Lauren winked which made the younger one blush slightly.

"Well, my dad works at the bank. It's not the most exciting job, but it gives us a roof over our heads and food in our stomachs so that's all that matters to him. Then there's my mom who's always in a good mood. You'll never catch her upset or mad, you can try to piss her off, but it's impossible. Believe me I've tried. She works at the hair salon close to the bank."

While Camila spoke, Lauren listened closely. She didn't want to miss anything that came out from her mouth. She found everything she said interesting and full of meaning. She felt the passion in her voice whenever they talked about something she enjoys. Lauren has also noticed that her mate uses her hands a lot when she's expressing herself and it just makes her smile.

"They sound like very humble people."

"They really are, but since we're that deep into our friendship, I should tell you my theory."

Lauren chuckled at the way Camila described their friendship, but let her continue with a nod.

"I think I'm adopted." She blurted out.

The alpha raised her eyebrows in surprise, she sure wasn't expecting that. "What makes you believe that?"

"They don't want to give me my birth certificate."

"What if they lost it or something? It doesn't necessarily mean you're adopted."

"Not just that, my dad has a cleft chin and I don't. Then just this morning, I noticed my mom has a widow's peak and I don't. Aren't they supposed to be inherited?"

This sure got Lauren thinking, they were supposed to be passed down, but there weren't any signs of them on Camila. There was a possibility that she was adopted, the only person that she knew could help was her mom.

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