Chapter 18

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"That's a very serious accusation Toby, are you sure?" Lauren said

"Yes alpha, I heard them speaking down in the dungeons about overthrowing you and reviving something, but they didn't say what"

Lauren couldn't believe it, she needed to hear and see for herself. She needed proof, until then she would take it to the rest of the leadership, her siblings.

"Spy on her for some time, when you find a pattern come to me and tell me. I will see for myself"

"Yes ma'm" he nodded

"You're dismissed"

After the member left the alpha's office, the alpha herself mind linked her siblings to come to her. In no time they were there waiting for her announcement.

"It has come to my attention that mom and Scott are planning to overthrow Camila and I. I've summoned you here because you have the right to know as leadership and as my siblings"

"Mom? That can't be, she would never" Jake was the first one to speak

"He's right, she wouldn't do such thing. Who told you this so I can beat them" Alex said

"There won't be violence brother, I won't allow you to hurt one of our own"

"But he's right Laur, that's not who mom is. The person could be lying" the beta advised

"For all you know they're the ones that want to overthrow you and they're just using mom as a cover up" Dinah explained

The alpha shook her head at them. She said it was impossible because she had sent the person to find Ally and then told them what the tracker had found. As they heard the information, they were forced to think that their mom would do such thing.

"I bet Scott made her do this, I always got a weird feeling about him" Dinah said

"Yeah I never liked the guy" Alex agreed and the rest nodded

"Well for now, we'll wait to see what my guy finds out and we'll then go from there"

Everyone agreed and left the office. Lauren was left alone thinking on what to do. Her own mom was betraying her and then there was Camila that didn't seem to get better, she kept getting worse. Tori was still unstable, this whole leader thing was getting hard.


Two days have past and the Luna's stomach has gotten larger. Her cravings haven't died down and Lauren assumed that is why her mate's stomach was not its usual size.

"Someone has gotten bigger from the last time I saw them" the Alpha announced as she entered her room

"Shutup it's not my fault"

"Well maybe if you stopped eating so much..."

"How about no"

Lauren laughed, "of course not"

Camila was holding her stomach when suddenly she felt something in her move. She stopped breathing for five seconds, her brain immediately assumed what it could've been. Lauren noticed her mate's scared expression and immediately went to her side.

"Baby what's wrong?"

"I think-I think I'm pregnant" the Luna stuttered out

The Lost Luna (Camren) [Editing]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ