Deceived into a marriage??

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We stood there, simply staring at each other, well, me starring at him and he was staring at my still veiled face. "Bu-but dad said that you wouldn't help us if I did not marry you. The only way to save our family of over fifty people was to marry you. He said, you hadn't even given him time, you told him yesterday." I stuttered. His eyes widened right into his head. "WHAT?" he yelled and I involuntarily stepped back.

"Uh… Sorry. I did not mean to scare you. It’s just that your dad has deceived both of us into this sham of a marriage." He said softly, trying to make amends. I blinked. "Are you accusing my dad sir?" I asked in a whisper. Oh God! This entire nightmare was getting worse with every minute.

"Yes. Yes I am accusing that bastard for messing with my life and what kind of a father messes his daughter's life ha?" He spoke harshly. "I have an eighteen year old too you know. How do you think I can even think of marrying a girl my daughter’s age?"

WHAT? EIGHTEEN? I was told you had a kid "Oh GOD! I couldn't breathe. NO. God no! This was not happening. My world was spinning right off its axis. My palms were getting sweaty and I was hyperventilating. Oh God! His daughter is my age! I could see the red of my veil become dark, darker by the second.  The earth was shifting like soft sand from below me, as if it was pulling me right into the ocean. I felt as if I was drowning. The more I tried to breathe, the more my lungs constricted.

Everything was becoming red and then black right before my own eyes.

"Hey, hey get up... come on get up sleeping beauty" Someone was slapping my face. I could feel it but I did not have the energy to open my eyes. "Uh?" I tried.

"Come on baby, have this," Someone whispered and placed something next to my lips, I could taste sugar, glucose maybe? I didn't know, I felt it again, and again. This continued till I could open my eyes. My nurse was my husband. He was feeding me something in a spoon. "So princess, you up?" He smirked; it was a sweet smile, hot and smexy too. I could feel my heart melt at it.

Trying to sit up was a struggle, it had to be, I was still in my bridal finery and it was heavy to say the least. Smiling ever so sweetly, he gathered me in his arms and lay me in a comfortable position with pillows for support. It was then I realized that I was in a bedroom. Huh? How?

I looked around; it was simple yet pretty in a feminine kind of way. Although it did not look lived in, it still felt homely. Cream and light yellow dominated the airy and sunny room, giving it a bigger appearance. The furniture was feminine and classic. I looked back and my husband, he was smiling at me, I realized I was still in his arms and blushed looking down, my peaches and cream complexion always betrayed me when I blushed, like right now. He started laughing at me.

"You blush prettily wifey." He smirked; I think it was my favorite expression of his. A tilt of his lips and the twinkle in his eye, it was already enough to make my heart sing. He put a stray curl behind my ear and continued," I cannot make out who is heavy, you with this dress and stuff or you without all this?" Did he just say that? I blushed harder, if that was also possible. 

"I am sorry for all this that is happening to you sweetie. I wish you were not dragged in this mess but I promise I will try and get you out soon." He whispered softly. I stared into his eyes. They were steel grey with specks of silver. Right now, they were dancing but downstairs, they were as hard as glaciers and matched well with angry voice that was like a blast of arctic wind. But now, his voice was sweet, as soft as a flute. 

"Sir, can you please tell me the exact details of all this? Dad would never hurt me so I am sure there must be an alternate reason that we haven't realized yet." I tried to reason. My heart will never believe that dad could ever harm me. Never!

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