Showdown... Mother Vs. Daughter

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I ran. I did not even see where I was running. I simply ran blindly as tears blurred my vision and my heart shattered into a million pieces. There was something about your friends insulting you. It hurt more than any stranger's insults. They questioned me like a convict on trial. I couldn't even explain my side because of how cheap I felt.

When I stopped to catch a breath, I realized that I was standing in front of my husband's house. How weird that in merely a month it became my solace. I ran here to protect myself from the world. But who would protect me from the bitch in this house?

I let myself in and ran to my room. Not my husband's but mine. I changed into a sari and flung myself in front of my own little temple that housed my Kanha and Ganesh. (She prayed to him on the day of her marriage) I lit a lamp and cried. I don't know for how long the tears flowed or how and when I curled into a little ball and when tiredness crept in and sleep took over.

Suddenly I was being shaken. Groggily I got up to see my husband's worried face in front of me. I tried to get up but he pulled me into him; in a tight little hug. I began to sob my heart out. I held onto him tight. I was scared that if I left him, I would be exposed raw to the world. "Hush Rose, its okay, please calm down." 

He cooed into my ears, rocked me like a child and simply held me tightly. After a bit I calmed down and pulled away. “I am so sorry for crying all over you," I apologized. He tipped my face towards him and looked into my eyes. "I waited outside school for an hour; I called you so many times. You never answered and I panicked. Driving home, I prayed that I found you; I needed to be sure you were okay; I prayed to find you home. I had planned on yelling at you for being careless. But I see now that something horrible has happened."

I nodded at him. My eyes silently begging him not to ask what had happened. But he did just that, "Rose, I have never seen you like this, not even when we realized the reason behind our marriage. What had happened that has broken you this bad?" He questioned softly.

I did not know what to say. How to tell him that I really wanted to kill a few people and one of them was our daughter. Our? No. I mean his, right.

"Dad, are you home?" I heard Caro's voice from downstairs. Blood was all I saw when I heard her oh so innocent voice. He might have seen my eyes too because he understood what exactly might have happened. He kissed me on my head and made his way downstairs. For some reason, I wanted in their fight this time so I followed.

"Caroline!" His voice boomed."How was your day? Did you enjoy sending Rudra home in a mess?" He asked in anger.

Caroline looked mad; real mad. Oh of course daddy dearest, you will side your perfect new wife over your old daughter now won't you? Did you ask me my side of the story? No. That bitch cried and you believed her. All it takes are her tears right? Well what about me? You used to give me so much importance too not so long ago." she was crying like a child and they were not crocodile tears. My heart went out to her. I wanted to hug her pain away…


What are you thinking Rudra??

She looked at me then and completely lost it. "So, MOM," she yelled and the word mom pierced my heart. "You know how much I hate you? You slut! You are taking my dad away from me too. Weren't you happy in your world? Why did you invade mine? You have everything yet you want my dad. I am losing him to you every single day and today, instead of asking me why was I so happy when I walked in, he is yelling at me." She ranted.

Handcuffed Bliss - Watty Awards... 2012Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora