... like a pack of cards..... it all fell down....

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He rocked me as I cried. He too had tears in his eyes. How I hated that sight. He was like a lost boy. Anyone could see the poker faced hard businessman was rocked to the core on losing his little girl. I would get my girl back. I hardened my resolve and wiped my tears. Leaving his embrace I raced and got our cell phones. 

"Call Caroline and try to talk to her while I call Andy and find out where she is." I said as I handed him the phone. His hands were trembling. I put his head on my chest and rocked him as we dialed. My call to Andy connected on the third attempt; I put it on speaker, I wanted my husband to hear.

"Hi Rudy, miss me?" drawled the piece of shit. "Where is Caroline?" I demanded. "Oh, that slut, well she came here an hour ago and begged me to take her. She was ready to do anything. You know what, she did. She was the best ass fuck ever. She yelled in pain but let me have my way with her. Stupid bitch, did she think I would want her? I kicked her out as soon as I had my fill. Let's see, I think she finally left after begging about 20 minutes ago." 

"You ASSHOLE!!" I yelled "Let me get my daughter back and see what I do to you" I slammed the phone and threw it on the wall. "Please call Caro?" I whispered. He hadn't reacted. Simply sat there, head in his hands. "I failed Rose, I failed Lily and I failed Caro. What am I going to do? For love she resorted to all this." He was crying now and I was close to panic. I couldn't handle him and Caroline could be anywhere. Call it a mother’s intuition, I knew Caroline was hurt and in pain. I just did not know where.

Suddenly the door bell rang and thinking it is Caro I ran down and yanked the door open. "Caro baby, where have you been, we have bee-" I looked up to see, a police officer stood on the door. My smile slipped, my heart stopped beating. "Officer, wh… wh??" I couldn't speak; I knew my girl was in pain.

"Ma’am, you know Caroline I presume, we have some news on her." I nodded and stepped in, Ethan had come down too. He held me as we waited for the officer to speak.  We held each other tight; we were scared out of our wits. "Ma’am, Sir, I presume Caroline is your daughter," he questioned kindly, we nodded.  "Ma’am, sir, she drove her car off the cliff and into the lake." I sank down; my legs gave ways as fear took over. I was dying inside. It was exactly as my dream. She was under water and begging me to help her. "Mom help me!" Her words rang in my ears. We had to get to her now.

I stood up and begged the officer to take us to her. Ethan hadn't reacted yet. Just stood there, holding onto me as his life support. The officer, who understood our distress, asked us to follow. I pulled him with me. He just followed without reacting. The drive to the hospital was silent; we sat behind and held hands. He was trembling, tears rolled down my strong man's face as I held him in an embrace. 

We reached the hospital soon and made a mad dash inside. I ran to the reception and found a nurse watching a sitcom. "Please tell me about my daughter, Carolina Hawk?" I request. She was so engrossed that she doesn't listen; I tried again, and again, till I finally lost it. I jerked her towards me and demand she show me where my daughter was. She laughed and said, "A kid cannot have a daughter, please leave."  Ethan reached us till then and so did the officer who realized what was happening and ordered the nurse to allow me inside. She reluctantly led us towards our girl. 

A sob escaped me. Ethan hugged me tighter as we walked forward. We were both trembling with fright. They led us to a waiting room. A nurse came out soon and was informed by the officer that we were family. She nodded and informed us that Caroline needed blood. Lots of B-ve blood. The hospital did not have it and she was hemorrhaging. "I, .. I am B-ve. " I squeaked. "Please take mine", I begged. "Ma’am, we need more than what you can give." she tried to sooth. "Ethan, call mom, she has the same blood group. They will come immediately, don't waste time, and call her now while I go give blood." I dragged the nurse with me. She agreed to take my blood but I begged her to take how much ever she needed to save my girl. She was shocked. "Your girl?" she asked and I nodded, "My step daughter," I explained hating the word STEP.  

We never used it. It was an insult to the relation. She took my blood and gave me a glass of juice just as my mom entered in. "Mom, I yelped, please give my Caro your blood," I begged. She hugged me and the nurse got her ready. I walked outside to be with him. He needed me the most now.

I got out and found Dad and him sitting on opposite sides. They were not talking, not even looking at each other. But they were here together. I quickly went and touched Dad's feet and thanked him for coming. He nodded and blessed me and whispered that I should go and take care of my husband. I nodded and agreed.

I walked to Ethan and sat next to him. Saying nothing, I entwined our hands and put my head on his shoulder. We sat there for an eternity. Mom joined us too and sat next to dad. No words were spoken, I could see mom praying quietly. Her hands were joined in pray, very discretely.

I too was .To every one of my Gods. It was ages before anyone came out to talk to us. When a nurse finally walked out, we jumped."How is she doing?" we all asked in unison. She smiled nervously and said," Well, the operation was a success but she was really badly injured. A head injury, broken ribs, a fractured hand and a leg plus a slip disk. She had glass pieces embedded in her hands also. Luckily her face wasn't harmed too badly." She ended while I slid onto my chair.

I was still holding Ethan's hand. His grip tightened. "She is in coma right now. We hope she will come out soon. Please rest for some time. You will not be able to meet her for t till she is out of the recovery room and we shift her to the I.C.U." She continued, trying sweetly to sympathize with us, and then, she left.

Ethan sat next to me. We hugged each other as we cried silently. Why was I so close to losing my daughter just when I had finally, finally found my daughter and our relation. 



Handcuffed Bliss - Watty Awards... 2012حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن