Chapter 4

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Hey guys!

Remember how I said I'd update this weekend? Well I just saw I was number 16 in the Fantasy section!! I couldn't believe it, still can't! I honestly stared at the page for 20 seconds, then reloaded twice to make sure... Then I dropped everything I was doing and finished editing the chapter because you guys are so awesome you deserve the chapter right now.

THANK YOU SO MUCH to everyone who VOTED and/or COMMENTED!!!!!!!!!
Every single vote and comment means so much!!

To be honest, this chapter would probably be done much later if I didn't get all these super sweet comments!!
I can't believe how many votes, comments, and reads I got!
And number 16 on the popular fantasy books? Wow, yeah, I must be having a good dream or something.
Thanks to you guys I'm much more focused on making this a really good story and writing more often. :)
You guys rock!!!
Thanks again and enjoy the chapter:D


Chapter 4

I was woken up by bright light shining through my eyelids. Crap! I thought. I'm going to be late for school! I sat up quickly and almost fell back as I took in my surroundings and memories of yesterday hit me.

I was now sitting on the top of a very tall building. I could hear noise coming down from the busy streets far below me. I looked to my right to find Chase wrapped in his wings, snoring gently. He must be exhausted, I thought.

Chase had flown until dawn, away from my father, my friends, my home, and everything I knew. I must have dozed off, because I remember awaking to find that we were flying over a big city, and that pale light was coming from the horizon. Chase had landed on the top of this building, and I fell back asleep right after that.

I could barely believe I had left home with a complete stranger, without anything but the clothes on my back, and no idea where I was going.

It was the right decision to make though. I knew that as soon as I saw that... That creature - whatever it was- land on the roof of the house. If what Chase had said was true, now that I was gone Daddy was not in any danger. That was all that mattered, that he was safe.

Chase stirred and opened his eyes sleepily. Good, he was awake. I could really use an update on the situation right now. For example, where were we even going?

"'Morning," he said, sitting up and running a hand through his already messy hair.

"Actually, I'd say it's about noon, but hi," I answered.

Chase smiled amusedly. I watched as he sat up and stretched. I had to admit he looked good. He turned around and smirked.

"Enjoying the view?"

Ugh. Well, boys will be boys, I guess. Just because he had wings did not make him any different.

I made a point of looking down at the busy streets below me. "Yeah, it's not too bad."

A look of confusion passed on his face before he sighed. "Okay, that's not really what I meant."

I smiled teasingly at him, letting him know I knew exactly what he had meant, and he playfully glared at me. I had a feeling we would get along well.

"So what are we doing today? Oh, and more importantly where in the world are we even going?"

"Well, right now, I'm hungry, so let's go down there and eat," he said, indicating the street with a nod.

"Alright. Won't people notice our wings, though?"

"Well, that brings us to the first lesson of hanging out with humans, hiding your wings. So basically, what you have to do is close your eyes and visualize your wings."

Secret WingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora